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Liam's POV

'It's Simon on the phone and he wants you.' Harry answered, although I was too irritated with Harry I couldn't ignore Simon. Simon never calls during our rest. We are on a  three month rest before we start we our tour and Simon has called.

Naina wiggled her eyebrows at me asking me about all of this. I thought she knows who's Simon.

'Simon is..........' I started answering her.

'Obviously, I know who's Simon.' Naina cuts me off. Obviously she knows who's Simon.

'Liam Payne are you coming.' Harry yelled from the other side. Obviously I am coming it's SIMON COWELL calling not an ordinary human. I am not Zayn ignoring his calls and then spending an hour getting scolded for this.

'I am coming.' I answered Harry. I stood walking towards the door and opening it revealing Harry standing there.

'Why is Simon calling?' Harry asked me, as if i know. I shrugged in his reply.

I started walking down the hallway. I am little nervous because Simon never calls during the rest and if he calls anyone individually it's never good. It is rear, only when  Zayn didn't attended a charity event and  when Zayn didn't attend Louis' mom's marriage,  when Zayn was spotted smoking in a non-smoking area, and I had to apologize, and Zayn was being spotted with multiple girls.

Wait a second, it was only Zayn being called. Wow. Looks like Simon's wants a change.

I know that's weird to panic cause' of a phone call but the previous events of my life tell me to expect the unexpected. There is surely some fault in my stars.

'Hey Simon.' I said coolly taking the receiver from Louis and I was not expecting  what came next.

'What have you done Liam James Payne.' Simon growled at me from the other end of the phone. Don't tell me he knows the kid news, and if he does HOW.

'What do you mean Simon.' I asked although I had a hint of what he meant.

'Abril's pregnant with your kid.' Simon declared and I know he was  gritting his teeth while saying the piece of information. 

As I accepted is the news out or Abril told him maybe someone here told Simon about it. But I know Simon's not really happy with the news. He will have a big interrogation session with me.

'Liam you need to explain, first of all you take a decision to get engaged, then there's a girl in your engagement saying she loves you then you kiss her and then Abril says you've got a kid.' Simon narrated the entire story, he needs to know about this.

'Simon Abril's not pregnant.' I told him and heard him take a sigh of relaxation.

'I have a two year kid.' I declared suddenly earning a groan from him. At least Abril's not pregnant.

'Liam I want to hear the story from the very start.' Simon demanded his voice firm and dominating.

'It starts from a beautiful day,' I started but I was immediately cut off by Simon.

'A little fast.' He said and I rolled my eyes. Entire story but fast.

'Remember the contest.....' I asked him about the contest that Naina won and met all of us.

'Yes.' He replied.

'The girl who won was Naina she came here and I was in love with her.' I explained the beautiful moment.

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