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Naina's POV

I had my face pressed against the pillow in my room to muffle the sound of my sobs. The pillow was wet with my tears. If this is my condition today what it will be tomorrow when Liam is leaving, I wonder what will it be when he's leaving. I wish I won't jump in front of a train. I don't know what's happening right now in my life. I love Liam but my boyfriend is Varun. It is all because, I think he'll reject me,That he won't love me back. Tomorrow he'll leave for London and I don't even know when I'll meet him again. Maybe....never. I had to move on and that is the reason I gave Varun another chance and started avoiding all my feelings. I don't want to do this anymore, but I have to. I can't live with this guilt to not confess forever, but I don't want rejection either. I swear if Liam rejected me I'll commit a suicide. I don't want to keep it a secret and I don't to confess either. I don't want to let Liam go and I don't want rejection. I don't know what I want. Everything is just a mess right now. Should I confess. Maybe Liam won't completely reject me he'll just say no but saying 'NO' is rejection. But it won't give me any guilt about my bad move to not confess. What if he will even break our friendship.

Why the hell, love is so complicated.

Liam's POV

It's 1:30 PM and I am lying here crying in my bed over losing someone who's probably sleeping and dreaming about someone else.

How stupid love can be.

I am leaving Naina forever, I am pushing myself out of her life and saving Naina from getting stuck on this big mess. Naina loves that guy no matter how bad he is, he's Naina choice.
I am just trying to keep Naina happy, love is all about sacrifice after all. I have to move on, I've taken many decisions I don't know right or wrong but after all this mess, I doesn't matter if it's wrong. If I'll go for love who knows I'll lose my friendship with her.
Naina is girl who is loyal to love. She won't leave one for another. Right now at least she loves me like a friend, she will hate me forever if she rejects me.

I don't think that's a smart move that'll be absolute stupidity. Tomorrow everything will change, I'll go back London and will completely disconnect myself from Naina. I'll go for concerts and go back to my normal life. I'll leave Naina in her life without involving her in this cocktail. I'll move on, she'll move on and then we'll, forget each other.
It sounds easy, it's not. Forgetting someone who gave you so much to remember ,that's impossible. There isn't any medicine that can heal all my pain cause' the wounds in my heart would force themselves open again.

Maybe a forever pain is the solution to love.


Bombay International Airport

12:00 PM

Liam's POV

I stared Naina her lips curved in a half smile. I was looking at her the last time.

I will never see those brown intimidating eyes again. I will never see the perfectly pink lips again. I will never see her beautiful smile again. I will never see those lovely pair of dimples again. I will never see her drunk stumbling and singing Midnight Memories opera style. I will never feel her touch on my skin. I will never feel that jealousy, when Naina and Niall were together ever again.

Harry nudged my arm, I had forgotten that we were at the airport leaving for London, leaving Naina.

'What' I asked in a whisper.

'We have time left Liam'. He whispered in my ear his voice some what convincing me.

He wasn't wrong I could have stayed for some more days but I had to go without Naina anyway. So why not today. Let me leave her a bit early so the pain would decrease a little bit.

'Good bye Liam'. K hugged me and I hugged her back.
I'll miss her she was a great girl to be around, mature and strong. She was female Zayn.
The day we arrived she got all of her One Direction belongings signed which were too many and she took thousand pictures with us. She was a big and great directionier.

'Bye, I'll miss you'. I replied pulling away and giving her a smile. I bet my smile was not at all looking like a smile all.

'Liam are you sure.....' before she could continue I cut her off.

'Yes, I am'. I answered. I already knew her question and I didn't wanted to answer it.

She moved ahead to hug others, especially Harry. Harry was going to miss K. Harry and K would walk together like best friends although they were together for hardly three days. K's really nice girl just like her sister. Both of them were different from each other but both of them can make anyone love them especially Naina.

I try to get you out of my head Naina, but unfortunately I can't.

'Bye, Harry,' she said her smile nowhere to be found.

'Bye, K.' Harry replied wiping his eyes. Seriously. He was actually crying and K too ,both of them are crazy.

Look at me I want to cry myself to death but I can't. I have to block my tears till Naina is not out of sight.

'Take care of the Zayn inside you.' Louis gestured towards K making her chuckle. Louis and K hugged each other exchanging goodbyes.

I stared them, all of my lads are so good. I fortunate to have them all. They think I don't know about them standing outside my room to convince me, but I know.

'Goodbye Liam.' I heard the sweetest voice ever and I immediately recognized it.

'You too Naina'. I replied unable to smile or bring any expression on my face.
She stared me trying to smile but couldn't she was almost crying. Maybe this means she loves me.

Come on Liam you're thinking to much. It's just friendship. She loves that guy.

I wanted to control my desire, but it was turning to be impossible. So, I gave half of myself to my feelings. I jumped and hugged Naina so tight that my life was depending on it and maybe it was. She hugged me. I had to work too hard just to keep my tears from flowing.
I finally pulled off not even taking one look of her. I kinda ran away from her and beside Zayn. All of them were standing there saying there goodbyes.

'This is for you'. Niall pulled out piece of paper from his pocket.

'What's this'. K squeezed her eyes at the sight of the paper.

'These are our number, we'll stay in contact with you'. Zayn answered gesturing towards the paper.

K gasped and then started taking heavy breaths. She covered her mouth with her hands to prevent a scream from escaping her mouth.

'You're giving it to me.' She almost yelled this out.

How can we forget she is a big,big,big directionier.

'If you promise you won't misuse them.' Harry replied in a warning tone.

'Obviously not.' She screamed gasping for air again.

'We know.' Louis said and Niall handed the paper to her.

She laughed with excitement and surprise.

'We must go now.' I said from nowhere unable to stand round' Naina anymore.

I just wanted to go as fast as can. I could have walked to London by foot if it was possible.

We gave our last waves and started walking away. I was a foot away from Naina and turned behind to stare at her for the last time. Tears were prickling down my eyes and I looked in the front again.

I wanted to go and jump at Naina screaming I love you but I couldn't. I was feeling a little bit of regret but regret is better than rejection.

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