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5 years later..........

'Naina........' Liam called for her from downstairs of their still new house.

'I am coming.' Naina yelled back.

A lot had changed in these five years a lot of things happened and it was all good, one other than Naina's mother died two years back. Everything else has been very good. Liam, Harry and Niall are now 27, Zayn is 28 and Louis is 29. But Louis is the most immature one among them, even today when he's 29. Actually none of them ever grew up they remained kids, Act My Age actually proved itself. K, she's turned 25 and she is still not over the fact that her sister married one of her biggest crushes. K still has crush on five of them. And surprisingly One Direction even today is the biggest boy band on the planet.

Harry got married the same year Liam did, to Taylor Swift. All the Haylor shippers including K were overwhelmed with joy, two years later they both had kids, twins. Harmony Lauren Styles, she's completely like Harry, same green eyes and brown hair and Lyric Nathan Styles, who's completely like his mother blond hair and blue eyes. They were a happy family. Yeah they kept their names on music. They both have turned three.

Louis again has two kids, Freddie Reign Tomlinson his elder son who's now four years old and Sydney Eliza Tomlinson her daughter who's three year old now. Freddie was the first One Direction kid and sadly Freddie and Sydney are more close to Louis than Eleanor. Louis is not even close to a strict father and you can say that Sydney is more like her father.

Niall.......... when everyone got married Niall was fed up. So he decided to organize a 1D contest again. He believed that if Liam got Naina in the contest then Niall will get someone too. Everyone told him it wouldn't work but actually it did. Niall found Hazel Rostov, British-Russian, entirely like Niall, foodie, adorable and sweet, he got married to her almost immediately, he didn't wanted to take a chance and right now Hazel is pregnant.

Liam and Naina's life went on perfect with thousands of happy moments and three years ago Naina gave birth to Earl. Earl Michael Payne, Liam's three year old son just like Liam, he's got brown hair, chocolate marble eyes and dimples on his back. Earl is closet to their dog X that Niall had gifted them. Liam and Naina made a perfect couple although Naina was more mature than Liam and she was a perfect mother from the moment Earl was born.

But not everyone got a successful married life, Zayn made a mistake and got married to Chloe. He regretted it because after that he came to know that Chloe married him for money. Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry everyone had advised him not to do so but he didn't listen he was Truly, Madly, Deeply, foolishly, completely, crazily in love with Chloe. One year later Zayn wanted to get divorced but Chloe never signed the papers he had to live with her. Everyone always supported him and Zayn was happy, he adopted a two year old boy who's now four and named him Raven and who knew Raven Ishq Malik will turn about be junior Zayn.

K, K is now like one of the biggest pop stars in the industry. Her stage name is DJK, and she's done five albums and this one is her sixth one. She hasn't dated even one guy till now and this is the only thing Naina is stressed about. Naina expected that once K grows up she'll leave these tomboy ways behind but nothing changed about her. But the One Direction kids,Earl, Raven, Freddie, Sydney, Harmony, Lyric loves K. And something better K is One Direction's favourite.

Summing it all up their lives were just absolutely perfect..............

'I am ready.' Naina finally came down in a White halter knee length dress with black pumps, the dress revealing her tattoo on her wrist . She got Liam's name tattooed on her corner wrist in a heart as Liam's 24th birthday gift, which left Liam absolutely shocked because a girl like Naina who cannot even bare the pain of hitting her leg against the table got herself tattooed. She walked towards Liam her heels clicking against the floor.

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