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Liam's POV

'Because Liam's got a kid.' Abril declared. I wish I would allowed her to say it secretly. No, wait I can't have a kid. If I would have had one, Abril would have told me. She must be lying, obviously she is lying. It's a kid not a puppy that I'll have one. The atmosphere was silent completely silent. It was deserted no one said a word. Everyone's reaction were genuinely laughable, although I didn't wanted to laugh. Harry's pupils were expanding rapidly. Niall's jaw had dropped and I scared it would fall on the floor. Zayn's mouth was left
open and eyes were almost falling out of their sockets. Louis' lips had parted and eyebrows were raised in shock. Genuinely I am more shocked than all of these guys here. It's completely impossible, if I would have had a kid, I would have not neglected it.
Suddenly I heard laughter bursting from behind me. Who was standing behind me, Naina. She was laughing. I turned behind to look at her, she was laughing, she was not laughing, she was laughing like crazy. She held her stomach tight as she bursted up with laughter.

Oh my god and I thought Naina was a sane girl.

'Nice try.' Naina gestured towards Abril with her one hand and  with other she wiped her eyes. 'It didn't worked Darling'. Naina smiled at Abril. Poor girl Naina.

'It's not a joke, darling.' Abril smirked at Naina. The laughter stopped and it was a pin drop silence in the hall.

Hall, that means there were other people too. No we can't discuss it over here.

'How about we discuss this is private.' I said suddenly from nowhere.


Liam's POV -

We ended up in one of the booked hotel rooms here. I was standing here leaning against the wall my hands crossed across my chest. Harry was standing beside me his fingers placed on the bridge on his nose. Abril was sitting on the bed cross legged, opposite to Naina. Naina was sitting on the bed beside Niall, her head on on Niall's arm. Zayn was sitting on the chair ,against the wall beside me. Louis was sitting beside the bed his legs crossed over each other.

I don't know why the my life is so messed up. A girl says that I've a kid, suddenly when my all time love kissed me. I mean all these years when we were together ,where was this kid and suddenly from nowhere she pops up with a kid. I don't think I can give birth to a kid in some couple hours. Even the fastest birth giving mammal, Hamster takes 15 days to give birth. But I don't know how she was able to give birth in some seconds. Technological marvel.

'Liam you proved that you're daddy direction.' Louis said starting the conversation.

But to start the conversation, I don't think a scornful remark was necessary. Especially, when it was about me.

'Why don't you guys, get it, it's not my baby.' I said leaving my position and throwing my hands in air.

'How'd you know.' Abril asked a little violently.

'Because it appeared suddenly, you never told me about a baby before.' I screamed at her pointing my finger on her.

'I thought I'll tell you after engagement.' She answered. I know you're lying Abril.

'What have you done Liam.' Harry massaged his forehead. What have I done, they are carrying all the blame over me. Someone help me out. 

'How can I have a kid Harry!' I exclaimed. Harry shoves his fingers away from his nose looking at me. Beep,  beep a scornful comment is on it's way.

'Just like everyone else.' He answered sarcastically. What a wonderful time to be sarcastic.

Suddenly I heard sobs from the bedside and saw Naina crying. She was crying, for me. The anger inside me started melting when I saw the tears prickling down Naina's cheeks.
I sighed and walked towards her side. I kneeled in front of her she was still crying not even looking at me. I don't like seeing Naina this way. I want to see a happy and bubbly Naina, not a depressed or disappointed one.

'Hey.' I lifted her chin with my fingers forcing her to look at me. Tears were still rolling down her cheeks and she sniffed finally looking at me.

'Don't cry.' I wiped her tears away with my thumb. Sometimes her tears make me strong, tears give us the strength to wipe them away.

'But Liam this.....' before she could say anything further I placed my finger on her lips.

'Do you trust me.' I asked looking directly in her eyes.

She nodded, still sobbing lightly. She was too broken to reply, I guess.

'Then we'll make it alright.' I assured her kissing her forehead. I didn't wanted to see her crying especially over something that doesn't exist.

'Liam, now what you planning to do.' Niall asked looking at Abril.

'Honestly Niall,  I don't know.' I answered with a sigh. Standing up and moving towards Abril on the other side of the bed.

'Listen Abril please tell me it's a lie.' I said in a soft voice full of courtesy. I hope it will melt Abril about something.

'What do you need, take it and go away. I beg you.' I pleaded a lump forming in my throat. I hate to plead anyone who is a hardcore cheater.

'But Liam it's the truth you have a kid.' Abril replied her lips in a straight line and eyebrows raised.

'Liam she won't tell the truth, she is money hungry bitch and nothing else.' Zayn screamed at Abril. I can understand Zayn's anger but this will only enrage Abril to do more of it.
If it's the truth that I have a kid. Then I'll accept it but if he is not I won't accept him at any cost.

'Abril you said Liam's got a kid.' Harry said suddenly and all the eyes in the room were focusing him.

'Yes.' Abril nodded.

'But you didn't showed him or her to us.' Harry popped up. Idea, this makes Harry, Harry. Lovely, brother, best move you've ever made.

'By the way it's he or she.' Niall asked.

'It's a he.' Abril replied and Niall nodded.

'We want to see him.' I said not excitedly but in a demanding tone.

'He's at my flat.' Abril answered.

'Then take us there.' Louis nodded a smart and vain smile spread across his face.

'Fine.' She sighed.

Time for decision. I know we will find an empty flat no he or  she not at all. Done. All the problem with sort out automatically. But what if there is a real kid who belongs to me. No no no. Liam Payne think positive. But, in case he is my kid. Will I accept him and let go off Naina. I can't destroy my kid's life or Naina's life either. I will have to make a big choice. Think good. Everything will be good trust yourself and your love for Naina. Everything will be fine and then over. I just need to me positive. He's not my kid.

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