Chapter Two: Valentine

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Gwen's POV

"Now, would you please pay attention instead of staring at Miss. Stacy?" 

What? Peter was caught staring at me? I mentally scoff at the thought; there is so way. But when I turn to look at Peter, his red face tells me otherwise. Okay, now I'm beyond confused. He completely ignores all the phone calls I've sent him the past few weeks, and goes completely out of his way to avoid passing me in the hallway, and now all of a sudden he gets caught staring at me in class? No matter how hard I try, I don't think it will ever be possible for me to understand Peter Parker. 

After Mrs. Jonson finished assigning us our partners, the bell rang, ending class. I grabbed my books and bag before making my way out of the classroom. 

Signs and posters are hanging around the school as I make my way towards my locker to get my books for my next class. All are advertising the same thing: Valentine's Day.I can't help but want to tear down all the posters and just skip it entirely this year. Now don't get me wrong, Valentine's Day used to be one of my favorite holidays; I even found myself looking really forward to it this year, that was until Peter completely left me. I imagined our first Valentine's Day together to be special, filled with hugs, kisses, and just being together. But now, with us not even acknowledging each other's existence, it just depresses me.

Student Council members are crowding the hallways, advertising Valentine Grams that couples and secret admirers swoon over to buy for that "special someone." But of course, they were also handing out fliers for the annual Valentine's Day dance. Like I said, I had never before hated Valentine's Day, which resulted in me often going to the dance just with my group of friends. But going without a date, weeks after Peter and me breaking up, was just a complete recipe for depression and loneliness. 

I can see Peter at his locker, grabbing his books, and I am tempted to go over and simply talk to him. I mean, after all, wasn't he just staring at me in class? Could this mean something? But before I can decide, he closes his locker and turns around to see me staring at him. To my surprise, I don't drop my gaze, but stare back, into his brown eyes. He almost looks like he wants to say something back to me, but before he gets the chance, he suddenly jerks his head so he can see out the window, and looks back at me for a second more, before quickly turing around and darting out the hallway, towards the door.

Spidey-senses, of course. Right when I feel like something major is about to happen between us, Spider-Man is called to save the city once again. 

"Good luck, bug boy," I say under my breath before slowly turning around and retreating to my next class.

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