Chapter Twenty-Six: I'm Sorry

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Gwen's POV

Valentine's Day.  The day all girls worshipped and swooned over. I was one of those girls too, until about twenty hours ago.  I should be at the dance, with my boyfriend, having a great time. But no, I'm at the hospital, thinking about my ex-boyfriend, and having a most defiantly not a great time.

Katherine, of course, offered to come keep me company, but I refused to let her. I know she was excited about going to the dance, and just because I'm feeling miserable doesn't mean I have to make everyone else feel that way.

Sighing, I lean over to my bedside table and grabbed the mug of cocoa Howard had made me earlier. Unfortunately, this only makes me think of Dad. When he wads alive, even when I had no boyfriend to share it with, he would always make Valentine's Day special. He would buy us little presents and manage to take the day off early to spend it with us.

A tear rolls down my cheek. There is a knock on my door, and I hastily wipe the tear away. "Come in!" I call. To my complete surprise, Peter walks in. 

"Can I talk to you?" He quietly asks. I nod. I know I should be angry, but I can't say I'm not pleased that he came to see me.

He walks over and after a moments hesitation, sits at the end of my bed. Peter sighs and then says, "Look, I know you really don't want to see me right now, and I'm sorry about that. I just need to talk to you."

"About what?" I softly ask.

"Gwen, I'm sorry for everything. I didn't want to ignore you, honest I didn't. I just-"

"Hold on" I interrupt, "Explain to me. Why are you ignoring me?"

He sighs and then says, "It's kind of a long story...."

_ _ _ _

In disbelief, I say, "So you thought by avoiding me you would be keeping me safe."

"Yep, that about sums it up," Peter agrees.

I roll my eyes, "What were you thinking?"

"What?!" I can easily tell Peter was not expecting that as an answer.

"It's just like the promise you made to my dad, Peter. You yourself said it was doing more harm than it was worth. Isn't it best just to stay together during hard times?"

"But, Gwen, you could've died, and I can't forgive myself for doing that to you," he says stubbornly.

"Stop saying that!" I shriek at him, my voice going up, "You didn't drop the bombs, Peter. You saved me.  You are the reason I wasn't buried under all kinds of rock!"

He doesn't say anything, and I lower my voice to say, "If this is just an excuse to break up with me, then please just let me know, Peter."

At this he instantly says, "No, Gwen! How could you even think that? I love you."

I reach over and grab his hand, "Peter, if you love me, then you can't leave me like this."

He gets up, and turnds around and says to me, "I'm sorry, Gwen."

"No,you're not. When you're sorry, you don't keep hurting them like this." I drop his hand.

"No," he says, and gets closer to me, "I'm sorry for not being able to keep your father's promise, and for leaving and avoiding you, and not being there for you. But I am not sorry for this."

At first, I am confused and angry, before he leans down and captures his lips with my own. Breathless, I pull back, "But what about-"

"No, I'm staying with you, and I know I'm awful at keeping promises, but I will keep this promise: I will never leave you again."

His eyes are full of intensity, and I know he means it, "I love you," I say and in return, I recaptures his lips with my own.


Sorry if that was really bad. There will probably be one chapter after this and then it will be over. Please read and review!


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