Chapter Seventeen: Detention & Messages

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Peter's POV

A few days later, I sit in school, bored out of my mind as I make quick glances at the clock every few seconds, when something Mrs. Jonson says catches my attention, "Yesterday was our last class experiment, meaning "The Organisms Around Us" project is now over."

"YES!" I accidentally sit up and exclaim, earning myself looks from the class along with a glare from Mrs. Jonson. 

"What was that, Mr. Parker?" Mrs. Jonson questions, her eyes narrowing. If looks could kill, I'm sure I'd be dead right now.

Not being able to think of a better excuse, I respond, "Well, you know, I was excited to start a new project and all...."

"Oh, really?" She answers, clearly not believing me.

I send her a nervous smile, before Mrs. Jonson says, "Half-hour detention for you after school, Mr. Parker."

"What? I'm sorry but-" I try to respond, but she cuts me off.

"Forty-five! Now, if you care to interrupt again, the time will change to an hour."

Great, now I'll have to wait an extra forty-five minutes before being able to see Gwen. Mrs. Jonson turns around and I groan, putting my head in my hands.

_ _ _ _

Before heading to Mrs. Jonson's classroom after school, I get my phone out and begin to dial Gwen's number to tell her I'm going to be late, when a voice stops me.

"Shouldn't you be getting somewhere, Mr. Parker?" Mrs. Jonson. Dang it.

I turn around and say, "I know, and I was just on my way there, but I need to text and tell my girlfriend where I am-"

She shakes her head, "No! Ms. Stacy is a smart girl, she'll figure it out eventually."

"Yes she is, but, wait a minute!" I say, surprised, "How do you know my who my girlfriend is?"

Mrs. Jonson gives me a look, before laughing. That's right, an actual laugh. "You really thought I didn't notice all those "secret" stares and lovestruck faces during my class?"

Speechless, I only manage to give her a look of disbelief. Mrs. Jonson rolls her eyes, before saying, "Alright, you may text message her, but only to tell you where you are, understood?"

I nod my head, "Understood."

"Good. Be in my room the moment you press send, alright?

I quickly get put my phone and send Gwen a quick text.

From: Peter

Hey beautiful! I'm sorry but I'm going to be late... got detention with Mrs. Jonson. Anyways, see you right afterward. I love you! xoxo

Delivered to: Gwen

No more than a minute later, she responds.

From: Gwen

Oh no..poor Peter all alone with Mrs. J after school hours. ;). Can't wait to see you! I love you too! 

Delivered to: Peter

I laugh, before remembering Mrs. Jonson's strict orders, and quickly making my way to her room.


I know not much happened, but I'm setting the scene up for the next chapter. Anyways, please read and review!


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