Chapter Twenty-Seven: Perfect

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Peter's POV

I was nervous. I was standing in front of the mirror wearing a fancy shirt and pants, my hair combed back. After telling Gwen I had to leave, I left the hospital,, only do go home and do absolutely nothing.

That alone, sounded bad, but the thing was, I wanted to surprise Gwen. I had no intention of missing the Valentine's Day dance, not if I could help it. My goal was to sneak into Gwen's hospital room a little bit after visiting hours, and take her somewhere special. Once I had the finishing touches on my clothes, I grabbed my phone and dialed Gwen's number.

After a few rings, she answered, "Hello?"

"Gwen, it's me, okay? I'm on my way, be ready."

"Peter, visiting hours are basically over-"

"Just be ready."

She sighs, "Fine."

_ _ _ _

A few minutes later, I was swinging to the hospital, and it wasn't long before I was there. I thought about swinging up to her window, but that would result in Gwen having to open it for me, and I didn't want her having to get up.

So instead, I managed to sneak in through the front door and use my webs to create a diversion, before I snuck up to Gwen's room.

I knock on the door, and she answers with a "Come in."

"Hey," I say once I enter the room.

"Hey," She says, "Why are you here so late?"

"Tonite's the dance, we couldn't miss that."

Gwen sighs, "Peter, I'm really sorry, but I can't go to the school. My ankle isn't fully healed yet."

I smile, "Who said anything about going to the school?"


Walking over to her, I hold out my arm and say, "Take my hand."

Giving me a puzzled look, she puts her hand into mine. I quickly open the window, and use a web to connect to a building across the street.

"Umm, Peter, What exactly are you doing?"

But I don't answer. Instead, I say, "If anything, any little thing starts to hurt, let me know."


Using her hand, I pull her close to me, making sure to keep her feet off the ground. She lets out a surprised shriek, and use my webs to guide us out the open window.

We soar through the streets of New York. The wind rustled in my face and moves Gwen's hair into my face, but I don't care. It only makes me feel closer to her.

Soon, I stop on the roof of a building, and pull Gwen closer to me, giving her a kiss on the mouth. "Happy Valentine's Day, Gwen Stacy."

She smiles brightly, "And I love you, Peter Parker."

We kiss again. When we manage to pull away, I ask, "Would you care to dance?"

She looks down, "As much as I'd love to, my ankle...."

"No, we can just do this," I say, and spin her around through the air. Her laughter could brighten up the whole city, and I don't think I could ever get enough of it.

There was no music. But it was perfect. We were in our own little world, the lights of New York acting as our spotlight. I couldn't even recall a time when I had ever been happier, being able to laugh and hold Gwen in my arms. Yes, if any word could describe what I was feeling, it would be perfect.

Perfect. Yes, very much so.


There it is, the ending. It really saddens me to end this, but all stories must end at some point. I'm sorry about all the errors in this chapter, I was having to update on my kindle. (Which is difficult and annoying.)

Thank you for all who read and please review to tell me what you thought about it! Criticism is always helpful, just please don't be rude.

Once again, I thank all of my readers. I love you all! <3


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