Chapter Twenty-Two: Unacceptable

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Gwen's POV

Two days later...

I groan, before throwing my phone down and muttering under my breath, "Darn you, Peter Parker."

Right after Peter pulled me out of the debris and made sure I was safely with the paramedics, he left to resume his duties as Spiderman. I went through major surgery on my ankle and now I have a bandage wrapped around my head at all times. 

Peter hasn't even talked to me since. I keep putting it off that he's busy but come on? Two days? I was in surgery for a few hours and basically died, but he can't find the time to at least return my calls?

I know I probably sound over-clingy and sensitive, but a relationship only works if you show some concern for each other, right? And besides, I've been watching the news. Spiderman hasn't been in any major battles recently so there must be some other reason.

Deeply breathing in, I look out my hospital window. The view isn't nearly as good as my old room, but considering that room is basically rubble now, I'm not going to complain."

There is a knock on my door, and thinking it's Peter, I instantly perk up. "Come in!" I call.

But it is not Peter. Instead it is Katherine. Katherine Fowler. "Oh, hey, Kate, how are you?"

Katherine laughs, "How am I? What about you? I wasn't nearly killed three days ago."

I laugh along with her, "So....?"

"Oh, yeah," Katherine says, and reaches into her bag sh had around her shoulder, "I came to give you this."

My homework.

"Oh," I take it and set the books and papers on the table beside my bed, "Not to sound rude or anything, but where's Peter?"

She gives me a look, before saying, "I don't know, he just asked if I could bring it to you. I thought it must've been busy or something." She pauses, before she exclaims, "Wait a minute! You mean he hasn't even talked to you?!"

I shake my head, "Not since the accident."

To my surprise, Katherine looks appalled, "You mean he hasn't even sent you a text message to make sure you're alright?"

When I shake my head, she says, "But he's your boyfriend!"

Sighing, I say, "Kate..."

But she cuts me off, "You could've been killed! You probably would've too if Spiderman hadn't been there! And he hasn't done anything!?"

"Really, it's fine. I understand-"

Once again, she doesn't let me finish, "No! It's not fine! That;s the thing, you're just too understanding and nice!"

"He's probably just busy.."

"Gwen!" I look at her, "He's your boyfriend. It doesn't matter if he's busy, when your girlfriend gets seriously injured, you're supposed to be their for her."

I'm silent as I realize she's right. Spiderman or not, he should be here for me. 

Quietly, Katherine stands up, "I'll bring your work back to you tomorrow, Gwen. If there's anything I can do, please tell me."

"Actually, there is."

She turns around, "What is it?"

"Well," I hesitate. Should I ask her to do this? Well, she is my friend, and besides, I know I won't be able to do it alone. "My grandmother's funeral will be right after I'm healed and out of the hospital. I was wondering, maybe, could you come with me?"

Katherine smiles and gives me a small hug, "Of course I will, Gwen."

"Thank you."

After she leaves, I try distracting myself by doing my homework, but mu thoughts are completely consumed by Peter.

Why is he ignoring me?

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