Chapter Nine: Misunderstandings

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Peter's POV

Gwen was healing fast, but she was still ordered to stay in the hospital for a week to ensure her safety. As much as I wanted to, I didn't go visit her, not knowing exactly how she would react. The last thing I wanted was to make her even more angry at me. But I couldn't just break contact with her completely, without knowing exactly how she was, so I started calling her mom and having her update me. Unlike her dad, Mrs. Stacy never had an actual problem with me dating Gwen, and was happy to tell me everything.

After the ambulance came to pick Gwen up, I quickly retreated and returned home, telling Aunt May I was unable to find her. A few minutes later, of course, Aunt May got the call from Gwen's mom about what happened, and I, acting like I had no idea about what happened beforehand, told her my greatest regrets for not making sure she was escorted home safely.

"Peter, dear, you should go and visit her tomorrow," Aunt May tells me, but I shake my head.

"Aunt May, we broke up, remember? Besides she was upset and angry at me the last time I saw her, and I doubt seeing me will help her healing process."

She frowns and out of nowhere she exclaims, "Peter Parker! What in the world happened to your arm?!. It looks terrible!" I look down at my arm and shrug, sure it didn't look too good, but I had other things to  worry about.

"Come over, here I'll patch it up. I didn't spend four being a nurse for nothing," She sternly says, and reluctantly go over, letting Aunt May patch me up with her first aid kit.

_ _ _ _

The next day at school, I was at my locker getting my books, just having got off the phone with Gwen's mom. She said Gwen was doing better, still in pain, but that was to be expected. Mrs. Stacy said she was having one of Gwen's classmates bring her all of her homework. Of course, Mrs. Stacy offered me the job, but I had politely declined, wanting to give Gwen her space.

A sudden tap on my shoulder startled me and I turn face to face with Lance Howler. I can feel rage about to course through my veins and I have to refrain myself from punching him in the gut.

" Hey, Peter," he says once he sees he has my attention, " we haven't formally met, but I'm-"

"Yeah, yeah I know who you are," I coldly interrupt him, but honestly, how could I not know who he was?

Lance seems startled by my tone, but continues, "Well, I know you were close to Gwen Stacy, and I was wondering if you knew if she'd be back in time for the dance?"

Is that all this guy cares about? Gwen was almost killed and he wants to know if she'll be well enough to accompany him to some stupid school dance? Talk about a jerk.

Suddenly out of nowhere a teenage girl appears behind him. "Hey, Lance, are you ready to go?"

My eyes basically bulged out of my head. All this time, he's had a girlfriend?

"Woah, woah, woah, woah," I say, putting a hand up and refraining myself from webbing him to the ceiling. "What about Gwen?"

Lance gives me a confused look, "And....."

Does he seriously believe there isn't a problem here?

"And... you're taking her to the dance on Friday," I finish for him, my tone is forceful.

Both the girl and Lance look at each other, and both automatically burst out laughing, "You thought....?!" And they look at each other again, then at me.

By the looks they are giving me I'm sure I must be missing something.

Lance controls his laughter, before looking at me and finally speaking, "Did you think I was asking her to the dance?" I nod my head slowly, "You got it all wrong. I was asking her if she wanted to help out with the dance committee." Well, great, how long will it be before this news travels all the way to Gwen? That would just give her one more reason to want to leave me alone. But despite my embarrassment, relief floods into my body like a waterfall. Gwen isn't going to the dance with Lance.

"I would never take a girl like her to the dance. She is all yours." He carelessly says.

That was the final straw. I grab him by the collar and force him against the locker. "Never say that about her," I say through clenched teeth.

Finally realizing what I was doing, I let go of Lance and slowly backed away.

"You're crazy," Lance mutters, "Look, it's not like I even offended her, she's just not what I'm really into, you get me?

I shook my head, not understanding one bit. How could anyone not be into Gwen Stacy? "No, I don't get it, because no one in there right mind would ever turn her down." I say, and it's true, because when I was ignoring her, I wasn't in my right mind. I was so paranoid about her getting hurt to realize I was the one hurting her. "She has eyes that sparkle like a lake of diamonds, and she has the most beautiful personality in the world."

Okay, I do realize I was getting all mushy and weird, but I couldn't help myself. Gwen Stacy was so full of wonders I could talk about her all day and it still wouldn't be enough.

By now many people were gathering around and listening, but I didn't care, I suddenly wanted the whole school to hear, "And I love her."

And with that I turn around, leaving Lance Howler and the rest of the hallway stunned by my confession.


Okay, I know this was really cheesy and probably really weird, but I thought it was really sweet how Peter feels about her. Anyways, what did you think? Please let me know! :)


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