Chapter Four: Voicemail

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Gwen's POV

All through science class, I stole glances at Peter's empty chair, wondering where he was. I had seen him by his locker earlier this morning, but after Lance came up to me he was gone. I sigh and begin instructing Flash on exactly how many ingredients to put in our vial.

_ _ _ _

After school I quickly rush home and get started on my homework, but soon find I can't concentrate.My thoughts are completely consumed by thoughts of Peter. I know he could just be sick, but that can't be right. He looked fine this morning when I saw him. I look over at my phone and debate whether I should call him or not. It wouldn't hurt, right? Deciding it wouldn't I pick it up and quickly dial his number, hesitating only a minute before hitting the send button.

But after ringing a few times, his voicemail shows up, "Hey this is Peter and sorry I can't get to the phone at the moment, probably too busy saving the entire city of New York but anyway, I'll get back to you when I can!" I smile slightly at the memory of when Peter first recorded that message. I had tried telling him not to add the saving New York part because people could get suspicious, but he had only laughed and had said, "Honestly Gwen, you worry too much, what kind of person is going to begin to think I'm Spiderman based off one voicemail comment?"

I laugh a little at the memory, before immediately frowning. Why hadn't Peter answered his phone? Was he okay? Could he have gotten hurt in a Spider-Man accident?

"Honestly Gwen," I tell myself, "Peter was right, you do worry too much. I mean, he's been missing all of your calls lately. This isn't anything new."

Despite all my convincing, I still felt like something was wrong, only I had no idea what. 

_ _ _ _

At around ten o'clock that night I carefully was making myself a late snack with the news going softly in the background, when I heard something that automatically made me freeze and listen.

"A man by the name of Jonathan Hobs was caught by Spider-Man breaking into Mrs. Kimm Abernathy's house earlier this afternoon. Nothing was stolen, but Spider-Man was reported to have been slashed a few times on the chest and arms." the reporter was saying. "Unfortunately, Hobs escaped before Spider-Man was able to complete the arrest."

Leaving a quick note for my mother and grabbing my phone I dash out of the house and quickly run to Peter's house. 

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