Chapter Seven: Worst Nightmare

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Peter's POV

My Spidey-senses started kicking in around ten minutes after Gwen left, but for once, I didn't care. I was too overcome with grief that I barely noticed. Wasn't Spider-Man allowed to be selfish for once? Couldn't I, just this once, let the police handle whatever problem was going on in the city?

Aunt May poked her head in through the door. "Peter, dear? What happened?" But I only shake my head. I can tell she is about to ask me about Gwen, because she probably saw her leaving the house with tears in her own eyes. But instead she says, "What in the world happened to your arm?" I had completely forgotten about my arm. Looking down I realized it had swelled even more. Before I get the chance to answer though, the phone rings.

When she leaves to answer the phone, I am allowed more time to focus on what Gwen said. And she had been correct. I hadn't promised to completely block her out of my life. I could've at least acknowledged her at school, and talked to her once in a while. But I hadn't and now she was gone. 

I can hear Aunt May talking to whoever it is on the phone, and I catch a few words, "Really?.....Yes she was hear earlier, she left just a little while ago.......She hasn't gotten home yet?........"

Gwen. My Spidey-senses are now on high alert. How could I have been so thoughtless? I let her leave my house, completely unguarded, to walk home by herself, in the dark hours of night? Back when we were dating and everything was okay, I used to always follow her, make sure she got home safely. Aunt May is making her way back to may room, but I quickly shuffle past her, "I'm going to go help Gwen!" I tell her before disappearing out the door and climbing up the rooftop where I quickly change into my suit. 

Scanning the ground from the rooftop, I look for traces of Gwen, but can't find anything. I quickly dial her number on my phone, but as expected, she doesn't answer. I immediately start to panic. Why didn't I listen to my senses when they first started warning me something was off? 

"Stop panicing, Peter," I try convincing myself, "You will find her."

I then start to scan every street and alley from my house to where she could be. Suddenly, I hear  shuffling from the the alley I was just going to investigate, and a woman emerges from the shadows. The first thing I notice is she is carrying Gwen's coat.

Using my webs I swoop down and jump right in front of her. "Hello, beautiful evening, isn't it?" I casually say.

"Yes," she says shortly and begins to walk away. I extend my arm and easily web her to the building right next to her.

"Where is she?" I forcefully ask.

"I have no idea who or what you are talking about." the woman lies.

I move closer to her, "Where is Gwen Stacy? I'm not going to ask again."

The woman doesn't look like she is about to answer, but her eyes slowly trail to the dark alley-way. Leaving her webbed to the building, I run into the alley. "Gwen!" I call out, but there is no answer. I immediately begin to worry even more. I call her name out a few more times, but she still doesn't answer.

And then I see her, lying on the ground with her eyes closed, blood oozing out of her head. I quickly rush to her side, "Gwen? Gwen!" I softly say, but she doesn't respond. I check her pulse and breathe a huge sigh of relief when I feel it, though it's not much. 

Her skin is pale, and it wouldn't take a genius to know she is not well. I carefully try to pick her up, but my injured arm screams in pain and I know I won't be able to carry her. Using my phone I quickly call the ambulance and alert them of her condition. The lady on the other end said the ambulance would be here in around fifteen minutes. I look at Gwen, and tears start to come to my eyes at all the pain inflicted on her. Carefully, I place her head in my lap and try my best to stop the bleeding. Being cautious, I lean forward and place a kiss on her forward, willing and praying harder than ever before that she'll be alright. 

"Please, Gwen. I love you," I say to her, "Please, please don't die. Please."

And with that I lower my head and try to stop the tears from flowing down my face, but it does no good. The tears still come. 

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