Chapter Twenty: Pain

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Gwen's POV

I can't see anything. Carefully, I try moving, but my left leg is trapped under a large piece of rock. "Help!" I call out, but there was no response. My voice sounds raspy. 

To avoid any further pain, I cautiously try moving my leg out from under the rock, but it won't budge. The weight of the rock is heavy, and I can easily tell it won't do anything but harm my already broken ankle. 

"Help!" I try saying again, but before I can make the whole word come out a big hacking cough begins to shake my whole body, and it's suddenly hard to breathe. 

My eyelids begin to flutter shut, but I force them open. After my coughing fit passes, I do my best to trey speaking again. 

"Help," It's so quiet I myself can barely hear it. 

My ankle howls in pain, and my throat is so dry I can only speak in a whisper. And I'm so tired..

But I can't close my eyes, no. Who knows once they close if I'll ever be able to open them again?

It would be an easy way to escape the pain, and I can't say I'm not tempted. But what about Mom? Losing her husband and then a few weeks later her daughter in such a short period of time would surely destroy her.

And, of course, there's Peter.


His name alone is enough to lift my spirits, but soon, longing replaces the joy. Where is he right now? He's most likely here, at the hospital, stopping whoever it was who dropped those bombs.

I want to see him so badly it hurts. I want to look into his big, brown eyes and run my hands through his soft, brown hair. I want to kiss him with everything in me, and be able to tell him I love him just one last time...

Woah. What the heck was that? Even to myself I sounded like some desperate, love-struck puppy. 

And what did I mean when I said one last time? I'm not going to die, right? Someone will find me, right?

But as all these thoughts whirl around in my head, I can already feel myself draining away. My torso aches with each breath I take. My ankle undoubtedly broken, and I can feel blood trickling from my healing head wound. 

I can hear things crashing around me which results in even more dust. This, of course, results in my breathing in the dust, which a coughing fit then follows. 

As I take control of my breaths, I am aware of a voice, but I can't hear properly. I feel like I have been submerged in water, which then results in the voice sounding far away.

And then I see Peter, or more accurately, Spider-man, leaning over me. "Gwen!" He says, but his voice fades out. 

I must be imagining things. How did this happen? It's impossible. Was he actually able to find me? 

"Gwen!" He shouts my name again, before slipping off his mask. And that's when I know he's there, that all of this is real.

My voice still sounding wimpy and dry, I say his name, "Peter."


Sorry, I am aware that probably wasn't my best work, but please read and tell me what you thought about it! Love all my readers!


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