Chapter Nineteen: Prayers

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Peter's POV

3:40. You can go this Peter. Only five more minutes. 

My Spidey-Senses started picking up around ten minutes ago, but nothing I could say would make Mrs. Jonson let me out early, and I couldn't exactly come right out and say I was Spider-Man either.

So instead I waited, hoping and praying that it was nothing to serious going on. Hoping that it didn't have anything to do with Gwen. 

Without warning, the small T.V. in the back of the classroom- that Mrs. Jonson uses like, never- started blaring a sudden news update.

Both Mrs. Jonson and I turn to see what's going on. A male reporter in a pinstriped suit, starts to talk, with the words SUDDEN NEWS UPDATE blaring right in front of him. "Early this afternoon at approximately 3:30 PM, several explosions happened at New York Central Hospital. "

Immediately, I look up. No, no, please, no.  I feel like someone just dropped a large bucket of water on my head

"Mrs. Jonson, I need to go," I say jumping up. 

"I don't think so," Mrs. Jonson says, stopping in front of me, "You still have," she pauses to look at her watch, "three minutes left."

"But, please, Gwen is there," I say, hoping Mrs. Jonson will have sympathy for one of her students.

She does have sympathy, but it doesn't have the effect I had wanted, "I really am sorry, Mr. Parker, but what are you going to be able to do to help?" 

"Please, I need to make sure she's alright." I am literally begging her. My Spidey-Senses are now acting up stronger than ever.

Mrs. Jonson sighs, "Very well." I don't wait another minute. I rush to the door before she says, "And good luck."

But I don't respond, no I don't have time for that. As fast as I possibly can, I climb a building and change into my suit. I swing faster than I ever had before, I felt my lungs would burst. 

When the hospital comes into view, my heart drops into my stomach. The T.V. reporter had made it sound like a few small explosions may of grazed the hospital, but no. That was definitely not the case.

The entire Southern section seemed to be burning, and smoke was coming out from the top of it. 


I swing down the building and sprint to the building. Police officers are patrolling the area as firefighters try their best to hose down the fire. I can see a large group of people standing a safe distance away from the hospital, all looking dirty and scared- they must be the people who were able to evacuate. I move closer, looking for Gwen, her mother, her brothers, anybody.

And then I see her. Not Gwen, her mother. She has tears streaming down her cheeks, and is talking to, or more like yelling at, a police officer. Phillip is behind her, obviously trying to calm her down, but he still has tears in his eyes. 

My blood turns cold . No, please no. As I drew nearer, it becomes easy to understand what she is yelling, "NO! She's in there! You must go find her! Please! Find her!!!"

I walk towards her and once she sees me she smiles and pulls herself out of Phillip's grasp. She runs to me and grabs my arm tightly, "Please, save her, please."

"Who?" I ask, but I have a feeling of dread, like I already know who it is.

She responds, "My daughter. Please, you saw her just the other day!"

At these words, I feel like my heart had been thrown out of my chest and stepped on by someone.

Gwen, no

Without needing to think, I quickly ask, "What happened? Where is she?"

Mrs. Stacy sniffles, "We were rushing out when it began to collapse. Something large fell on her. I tried to help her but a police officer came and hurried us out, ignoring my protests." She takes a deep breath before continuing, "It was over there somewhere."

I look to where she was pointing, and tears start to form in my eyes, which are thankfully hidden by my mask. The entire part of the hospital is in shambles, smoke rising from it. And Gwen's in there. I need to save her.

Please God, let her live. Please, she doesn't deserve this. Please, let her be okay.

Taking a deep breath, I begin running.

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