Chapter Twenty-Four: Goodbye

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Gwen's POV


My phone lets out a long series of beeps, but I choose to ignore them. My head hurts, and the only thing I want at the moment is pure, soft, sleep. Besides, who would be calling me? Katherine left a little while earlier after giving me my homework, and my mother is downstairs with Philip, Howard, and Simon. And Peter won't be calling me. That I'm sure of.

I turn over on my side and try covering my ears with my hand, but the phone keeps ringing. Man whoever's calling must be desperate.

Finally, I realize that my phone isn't going to stop going off until I answer it, so groaning I lean over and grab it, not even bothering to check the number.

"Hello?!" I irritatedly ask through the phone, my annoyance showing as I speak.

The person on the other end lightly chuckles, "Well, someone's not too happy, are they?" 

I recognize that voice instantly. Peter. But why would he be calling me?

"Peter?" I ask timidly. 

"Yeah, it's me, Gwen," he says, "How have you been?

How have I been? How have I been? Oddly enough, despite his "concern", this only makes me mad.

"How do you think I've been, Peter?" I snap at him, not caring at the moment how harsh I sound, "Well, my ankle bone was crushed, so I received surgery, my grandmother's dead, my mother is even more paranoid now, and my so-called boyfriend has been ignoring my calls for the past two days. But yeah, other than that, everything's great."

I can hear Peter sigh on the other end and I know he's going to try to speak, but I don't even want to hear what he has to say anymore, so instead I cut him off and begin speaking, "How do you think this makes me feel, Peter? You could've at least called and explained why. I thought everything was fine between us, but it's evidently not. And I don't even know why! What did I do?" Tears begin pooling in my eyes as I say all of this.

"Gwen, no, it's not you, it's just..." But he doesn't even finish his sentence. 

So instead, I say, "We're done, aren't we?"

When he doesn't answer, I shake my head, "You know what, Peter? A couple years ago, my grandma gave me a book called Girl Advice. It was just a fun little book to teach you little things, and one of the chapters was relationships and advice. Do you know what it said?"

"No," he mumbles.

"It saids the top worst ways to break up with somebody was either over the phone or simply avoiding the other person. Well congratulations, Mr. Parker, I think you have succeeded."

"Darling, please-"

But I cut him off, "No, we broke up, remember? I only let my boyfriend call me that." Instead of feeling upset and sad, all I can feel are simple, bitter emotions.

"Just leave me alone, Peter. I'm tired of this," And then I end the call.


I know this probably makes you guys really mad at me, but I promise the break-up won't last long at all. Please tell me what you think! Love you guys!


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