Chapter Twelve: The Visit

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Gwen's POV

Howard comes bursting into my room, and my mother jumps out of her chair before rushing towards him

"Where have you been?" She says, " I just about sent Philip to go looking for you!"

"I'm sorry, Mom," Howard says, and I can tell he seriously means it too, "I almost got hurt, but Spiderman saved me! I brought him here to see you!"

This, of course, catches my attention, "W-what? You mean he's here, like now?"

He nods, and my mom is the next person to talk, "Well, don't leave him out there standing, bring him in, " Spider-Man is basically a celebrity in New York, so I can easily tell my mom is excited to meet him.

Once Howard leaves the room, I inwardly begin to panic, "Breathe, Gwen, breathe. It'll be alright," I silently reassure myself.

My mother gives me a strange look, but before she can ask me anything, the door opens again, and Howard, along with Peter, or Spider-Man, walk in.

He looks at me, and I look at him, studying, analyzing, him. Even through his mask, we are able to make eye contact. I want him to take off the mask, so I can see his face, look into his brown eyes. But he can't. Not in front of my mother and brother. 

"Thank you so much for saving my children," My mother says, rushing towards him, breaking our eye contact. 

"Oh, um..." I look down and try my best to hide my smile. Peter was always a little uncomfortable and awkward when people congratulated him. "You know... it's what I do."

I do my best to stifle a laugh at this. More than anything I want to rush up to him and give him a huge hug, but I restrain myself. 

After talking with my mom for a few minutes, or more like him listening to my mom ramble on and on about how grateful she is, Peter turns to me. "Are you healing well, Gwen?"

My breathing hitches in my throat. As cheesy as it sounds, I hadn't before realized how much I had missed hearing his voice directed at me.

"Hello," I almost say Peter, but catch myself," Spiderman."

There's a pause before I say, "Thank you, for saving me."

"Oh, yeah, like I said, it's what I do."

There are so many things I wish I could say to him. I want to apologize, but I can't with because once again, Howard and my mother are right there.

"Well, I better go," He says, "But I'm glad your better Gwen. And," He looks at Howard, " Stay out of trouble, young man."

Howard laughs and says he will. He bids all of us farewell before making his way to the door. He turns back and looks at me, before he says, "I hope you get better soon, Gwen."

And then he leaves. 

"Well, wasn't that something?" My mother exclaims. 

I nod my head and respond softly, "Yeah, it was."

My mother looks at me and says, "Gwen, darling, you don't look too well, you probably need to sleep."

"Mom, I'm fine. I only suffered from a concussion," I say.

"No, it was a severe concussion, along with a broken ankle." My mother contradicts, "I'm going to take Howard home, and check up on Simon and Philip. You need to sleep."

Rolling my eyes, I respond, "Fine."

My mother leans over and plants a light kiss on my hair, "I'll be back soon, alright?"

I nod my head, "Yeah, got it."

"Bye Gwen."

"Bye Howard. Tell Simon and Philip hello from me."

He nods, "Will do."

I roll over on my side, thinking of different ideas. Seeing Peter today made me realize exactly how much I had missed him, and only worsened the guilt I had been feeling. Once agin, I realize just because he forgives me doesn't mean he will automatically break the promise he made to my father, but that doesn't matter. I need to apologizing for what I've done, for hurting him.

Without hesitating I reach across to the phone laying on the table beside my bed, and ignoring my mother's orders, I dial Peter's number.

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