Chapter Twenty-Five: Anything Can Happen

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Peter's POV

Call ended.

The words blare on my phone screen. How could I have let this happen? How come I wasn't able to notice what I was risking in leaving Gwen out of my life.  I thought I would be able to call and explain things to her, help her understand. But I didn't and now she hates me.

Never before had what someone said ever hurt so much. But I don't blame Gwen, not at all. This was all my fault. And the worst part was that is was true. I had broken up with her in the worst possible way. I had been completely ignorant to what she was feeling. This was worse than the first time she got angry at me, because I knew this time, she wouldn't be so forgiving.

But at least she had been blunt with me, instead of simply avoiding me. Looking at the two words on my screen once again, I softly began to cry.

_ _ _ _

I went to school the next day red-eyed and tired, not being able to sleep a wink the night before. I felt like every couple in the building were purposely trying to make me miss Gwen more, by endless their kissing sessions and cuddling. 

It's not until I see the big sign do I realize what day it is: VALENTINE'S DAY DANCE TONITE! FIVE O'CLOCK TO TEN O'CLOCK.

Only a few days ago, Gwen and I were planning on going together. I look over at Gwen's locker, but of course, she isn't standing there getting her books out. 

I manage to pull myself through the whole day and avoid any unnecessary social talk. By the time the last bell rings, I'm pretty sure the entire school thought I was possessed or something, but I could;t care less. I only wanted to get away form this school and tear apart anything relating to Valentine's Day. 

Shoving my books in my locker and leaving my backpack in my locker for the weekend, I begin to make my way out the door, when I hear a voice call my name. 

Turning around, I groan once I see Katherine. Yesterday's slap will be little compared to what she will do to me today, after hearing about the break-up. 

As she gets closer to me, I hold up my hands and say, "I know, I know, you hate my guts and i'm a terrible person, but please I'm in enough pain right now alre-"

"Oh, shut up, Peter," she says, and I obey, not wanting to anger her, "You are going to come with me, right now." She says.

"Listen, I really don't-"

She raises her hand as if to slap me, and I plead, "Can't you just tell me where we're going?"

Okay, I know I'm Spiderman and I have no reason to be scared of this girl, bit at there moment, the last thing I need is Katherine Fowl punching me in the face.

Katherine sighs, "Peter, just come. I'll tell you on the way." Seeing that I'm still hesitant, she rolls her eyes, "It involves Gwen."

Obviously, at this I want to go, "Fine."

She grabs my hand to guide me, but I immediately jerk my hand away. I am aware of how weird and clingy this sounds, but I do not want any other girl other than Gwen Stacy ever holding my hand. Ever.

Katherine looks at me and raises her eyebrows, before a look of realization crosses her features, "Oh, right, reserved-girlfriend-hand. 

As much as it pains me to tell her, I know that it's probably important if she knows, considering it involves Gwen, "Well you see, we um..."

"Peter, I know what happened, she told me. But you and I both know she is still your girlfriend." She winks at me once she finishes saying this.

Okay, so I did still want Gwen to be my girlfriend and all, but she had made it pretty clear that we were no longer a couple.

Seeing my confused look, Katherine says, "Peter, listen. Gwen called last night, right after getting off the phone with you."

After mentioning the phone call, I hold my breath, waiting for the slap that was sure to come. But instead she continues talking, "Peter, she really does miss you. I know she probably doesn't wanting me telling you any of this, but she regretted hanging up on you and wished she had let you explain."

I stumble for words, "She- she said that?"

Katherine nods, "It's Valentine's Day, anything can happen. This is the perfect day for you guys to get back together, even if you were broken up for less than a day".

Has it really been less than a day? It felt like ages ago we had broken up over the phone. But then again, I had spent like days trying to avoid her.

But I believe Katherine. Besides, what would she gain by lying to me about Gwen? "so should I go see her, now?" I stupidly ask.

Katherine rolls her eyes, "Um, yeah!"

I nod my head and begin running down the hallway, hoping and praying harder than I have in a long time.

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