Chapter Fourteen: I Love You

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Gwen's POV

After ending the call, I look down at my phone, not believing that not only did he agree to come right away, he seemed actually excited. 

I know that him being Spider-Man and all, it won't take him long to get here, so I begin to mentally prepare myself for what I am about to say.

"No, tears, Gwen," I tell myself, "You can't afford to be a baby and cry."

As I am thinking all this, my mother walks back into the room, "Gwen! What do you think you are doing? You should be asleep, resting!"

Dang it. I had forgotten about her. "Mom, I'm sorry, but I called Peter, and he's going to come here."

She opened her mouth to respond, but I cut her off, "I know, I should he resting, but please understand, I feel fine. I haven't seen him in a long time, and .... I miss him."

My mother sighs, "Oh alright, but you will rest tonight, after he leaves. 

I nod my head and reassure her, "I will, I promise. Don't worry." 

There is a knock at the door, and I begin to worry. What if I make another mistake? He surely won't even want to talk to me again if I do.

"Come in," My mom calls, and as expected, Peter walks in the door for the second time today, but this time, as Peter Parker. "I'll be outside," My mother mouths before giving us each one last look and leaving the room.

"Hey, Gwen," he timidly asks me, "Are you feeling alright?"

He wants to know the reason behind why I was crying. Darn, why can't I ever take control of my emotions?!

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answer, "Thanks for coming."

"Oh.." he shrugs it off, "Why wouldn't I come?" 

"Well, you did make that promise to my dad.." I say, and he looks down, " and not to mention the fact I've been acting like a total imbecile toward you."

At this he quickly looks up and moves closer, "Gwen, you have been anything but that. It was all my fault ; you were right, I had been rude to you."

I shake my head, and despite my restraints, tears begin to pool in my eyes, "But all you've done is save my family. First me in that alley-way, and then today, Howard. Peter, you're the reason I'm even here talking to you right now. I will never be able to add up to you."

Peter shakes his head, "Please don't think that Gwen, please."

Frustrated, I ask, "And why not, Peter? Why?"

And the answer I receive shocks me more than anything else I had heard that day, "Because I love you."

Shocked, I stumble for the right words, "You.. love me?"

He nods his head and moves closer, so that he is right in front of me, "I always have, Gwen. I know in the past few weeks I haven't been showing it very well, but I do. And I'm sorry for every, single thing, because I love you, Gwen Stacy."

I smile, and not caring anymore, I let me tears fall, "And I love you too, Peter Parker."

He gives me one of his own smiles, the one that makes me melt no matter how much I see it. The one that only Peter Parker can produce. He moves in closer to me, and I lean in as well. When our lips touch, the old spark is still there. No matter how cliche it sounds, I can finally feel like I am complete again. 

After a minute I pull back, "Easy bug boy," I say, remembering the first time I had ever called him that.

He laughs at the memory, before leaning in again, "You have no idea how much I've missed hearing you call me that."

"Oh, I think I can imagine." 

But before we kiss again, I think of something, "Peter, what about the promise?"

"Gwen," he rests his forehead against mine, "I want to be able to keep the promise," my stomach drops at this, "but I know I can't. Because everyday the only thing I can think about is being able to be with you. And besides, I personally feel the promise is hurting us more than it is helping us."

I grin, and tears of happiness form in my eyes. Peter says, "Hey, you're not supposed to cry." He wipes away the tears.

"No, no, I'm just happy," I respond.

"Oh I see," He pulls back and studies me for a second, "You know, Gwen, no offense or anything, but you really need better vocabulary."


Peter raises his eyebrows, "Imbecile?"

I look down sheepishly, "It was the only thing I good think of, okay?"

He laughs, "Oh, Gwen. What am I going to do with you?"

Shrugging, I say, "I don't know. Be my boyfriend again, maybe?"

"You actually have to even as that?," he says, "Well, as long as you're my girlfriend again?"

I smile, and right before leaning in for another kiss, I respond, "Gladly."


Yay! I know it took fourteen chapters, but they're finally back together!! Please read and tell me what you think! :)


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