Chapter 1-End Game

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Strike One fights against the invaders aboard their temple ship. A man with black hair and wearing the psi armour does battle with the Uber Ethereal while his teammates hold back the Mutons. "This is not your path," the Uber Ethereal echoes, "without us to guide you, what are you?"

The man's eyes flare from brown to purple. "We are XCOM," he yells and pulls out a plasma pistol, firing and killing the Uber Ethereal. The other aliens disappear in a puff of purple mist and the team look to their leader.

"Is it over," a soldier wearing a helmet asked with a French accent and the man gave a nod. The temple ship started to shift and break apart and the team ran for the waiting Skyranger.

The man stops just before the controls to the ship and grips his head. Images flash through his mind of catastrophic events. He reopens them and looks to his team who were waiting at the door. "Go," he demands and the team was forced through the door as it shuts.

The man heads over to the control sphere and puts his hands on either side. It reacts, spiking up and morphing. More images pass through his mind. This time, the Earth being destroyed. He moves his hands upwards and the sphere follows. The entire ship started to move higher into the atmosphere.

Once it broke the clouds and the stars were visible, everything started to go fuzzy. The man shakes his head then brings his hands together as the ship explodes, accompanied by the sound of glass breaking.

The man feels weak but makes out he is being carried. Gunfire echoes through his ears along with shouts. He then feels a sudden jerk like he was being lifted. He was laid down and an old man looked at him. "Don't worry," the old man said, brushing his hand across the glass for the man inside, "you're safe now."

The man loses consciousness and regains it to see the glass be removed. Flashes of a Thin Man and a scientist flicker between the two and all, of a sudden, a sharp pain coursed through the back of his head.

Flashes pass of UFO attacks, unmarked soldiers firing on aliens, monitors being destroyed, and a Muton before being knocked unconscious. These weren't just random flashes, these were memories. Memories of what really happened in 2015.

This is Commander Chailux Sangthonglang, rightful leader of XCOM. His tactical strategies and high combat scores make him fearful both on and off the battlefield. It had become apparent that everything he'd experienced, those long day's and night's fighting invaders to protect his planet was all a lie.

Chailux's eyes flutter open and he pushes himself up off a bed. The room was filled with cabinets containing models and old photos. He stands and walks over to one of them containing a photo from when XCOM first started. The picture contained him, Central Officer John Bradford, Doctor Raymond Shen and Doctor Moira Vahlen.

"A lot has changed in the past 20 years," Chailux turns to see a much older looking Bradford enter the room, "I'm not the best person to explain all of it. You should talk to Tygan about that or," he taps a painting and it flickers into a screen containing tabs, "Shen has loaded some basic information."

Chailux is speechless for a second but then nods. "Thank you, John," he finally said and Bradford gave a nod in return.

"All ways a pleasure," Bradford replies as he starts to leave. He looks over his shoulder with a smile and whispers, "Commander."

The first chapter of XCOM: Resist. The image above is the character I created which is myself. I've added some of my friends as well so they will appear as well.

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