Chapter 15-Understanding

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In the Guerrilla Tactics Centre, Rose was training against a training dummy in hand to hand combat. Flashes of what they did to her in that facility flashed in her mind. When they raided her apartment, the experiments and tests, the probing of her mind. With a swift kick she knocks the training dummy into the back wall. "Endangering my daughter like that," Rose said as she went to replace the dummy, "I should punch you in the gut for that."

Bradford was behind her and he sat down on a bench. "I need your help," he plainly said and Rose just gave a huff, "what were they doing to you?" Rose stopped practicing and noticed the scar on her back was showing. "Last we spoke was nearly 15 years ago."

Rose turned around towards Bradford and sat of the bench next to him. "We've lost a lot of good people in the past," she said, patting him on the back, "Moria, Raymond," she turns to him saying the next name with a little pain, "BigSky." Bradford stands, not wanting to remember the fates of those three. "We couldn't save them all but we will dam hell avenge them."

Bradford gives another sigh as he strokes his face. "We lost the Commander once before," he turns back to Rose with determination in his eyes, "It will be a cold day in hell if I let him go missing for another 20 years."

Meanwhile at the unspecified ADVENT facility, Chailux went through another series of shocks but he didn't as much flinch at the pain as more of Asura was being drained from him. His eyes grow heavy and the shocks subside. "Get him out of there," a scientist orders as they look down at a console, "he's no longer of any use."

The pod opens and ADVENT troops goes to carry him out only for Chailux to grab on of their side arms and shoot everyone leaving only the scientist alive. He grabs the scientist by the collar and brings them closer to his face. "You're coming with me," Chailux goes over to the glowing blue pod and smashes it and it flows back into him.

Chailux watches from darkness as his body guides the scientist through corridors, killing ADVENT patrols. He gets shot in the shoulder when turning a corner and Asura appear nearby, gripping at his shoulder. "My strength hasn't fully recovered," Asura explains, "my reflexes aren't as sharpe as before."

"Give me control," Chailux insisted and the Ethereal look at him in confusion, "if we are to share the same body, you must trust me." Asura nods and fades giving control back to Chailux.

Chailux turns the corner and ducks into the nearest cover, loading the pistol at the same time. Laser fire pins him down as he draws a deep breath. He jumps over his cover, firing at the closest ADVENT troops and grabbing an officer. He used him as a human shield to absorb the blast from nearby turrets then hides behind more cover.

Asura dimly appears nearby and Chailux nods for control change. Asura, now in charge, sees grenades lying on a crate and makes a dash for them. He grabs them and lobs them towards the turrets, destroying them but it wasn't over. Hanger doors open to the side and ADVENT MEC troopers open fire. Chailux regains control and looks over a crate marked explosives.

He smashes it one to find grenade launchers and loads them. He fires three grenades their way then everything goes silent. Chailux raises his head to see burning, twisted metal and the exit wide open. He goes back and grabs the scientist before they both rush out into the desert air.

A nearby communications tower was still operational and he goes over to it. "What do you think you're doing," the scientist asked, trying to look over his shoulder. The screen flashes with 'access denied' and he turns his weapon to the scientist who gladly enters the command codes before an ADVENT troops kills them then drops dead.

The XCOM insignia appears and Chailux watches as the dishes spin around. "Avenger do you read," he announced to no reply, "Avenger, this is Commander Chailux Sangthonglang, do you read," more static and his hope was fading, "damit John," he shouts, slamming the console, "pick up!"

"I hear you Commander," Bradford responded joyfully, "it's good to hear you're voice again. You're not far from our current location we'll be..." alarms sound and Chailux got worried, "we're being pursued Commander!"

The transmission cuts off and he looks to the skies to see ADVENT dropships fly off into the distance. Chailux turns back to where they were coming from and starts running towards there. While running though the facility, pass similar pod at the Blacksite, he stopped and found a pilot.

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