Chapter 12-Blacksite

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"Keep an eye out," Damian demands as he walks pass a patrol. They respond in their odd language and continue to patrol. Chailux lay atop a nearby structure and zooms in on the patrol.

He fires once, killing one and the others scatter, running into the ambush set up by the others. They wait in silence for a couple of minutes the their radios buzz. "Alright let's move up," Chailux orders and they make their way across to the Blacksite facility.

"Hold up," Bradford announced as the climbed over a train car, "we've got bodies here." Chailux climbs cover to where Bradford was. He was standing near what appeared to be a stasis pod with someone inside. "They never stopped the abductions. All the more reason to put an end to this place."

They reach the facility and open the door, firing on the ADVENT troops inside. "Clear," Kendrick announced and they sweep the area, "what were they doing here?"

"It looks to be a refinery," Bradford speculates as they walk through the facility. He steps in a puddle of green liquid and quickly shakes his foot. "Hate to know what they're refining though," he turns back to Chailux who was eyeing a canister, "grab it and let's blow this place sky high. Exalt, I want charges set and primed."

Chailux continues to stare at the canister then goes to grab it. Gun fire makes him recoil his hand and he sees Damian along with ADVENT troops. "Take cover," he yells out as he grabs the canister and hides behind a wall, "Firebrand, we need an immediate evac!" He looks over to Bradford and Kendrick then primes a grenade, throwing it at the wall behind him, "move it!" They run for the new gap in the wall as Chailux provides covering fire.

The ropes drop as they near the extraction point. "Oh no you don't," Damian mutters and fires a wire which wraps around Chailux's leg, causing him to trip and be dragged back.

"John," Chailux yells out as he tosses the canister over to Bradford who catches it, "Firebrand, as soon as the package is onboard, leave!" Bradford yells orders in protest but the Skyranger was already on a course back to base.

Chailux rolled onto his back and pulled out a knife, cutting the wire and standing only to find he was surrounded by Stun Lancers. He raises his hands and keeps and eye on Damian who walks up to him. "Guess I win," he said with a smug smile and started to walk away.

"This is wrong," Chailux yells out but his words fell on deaf ears, "you and I both know the Aliens aren't here for peace. This facility proves it." A Stun Lancer shocked him and he falls to his knees.

"I am well aware about what the Elders have installed for us as a species," Damian said as an ADVENT drop ship landed nearby, "I find it an honour. Besides, you and your friend won't live long enough to witness it."

Chailux breathes heavily as he watches Damian fly off. The Stun Lancers pick him up and escort him to an awaiting van. "Central," he whispers, making sure they weren't listening, "if you can hear me, detonate the charges." They throw him into the van and shut the door. The next thing he hears is a loud explosion and the van's engine starting up.

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