Chapter 9-Raid

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The Avenger's personnel were moving crates of supplies into the Avenger after the supply drop. Chailux looked out a window and with a saddened expression. "Commander," he turns to see Lily in the doorway, "the Skulljack you requested is complete." He gives a nod then looks back out the window. Lily noticed Nexus's rifle that leaned against the wall. "It wasn't your fault."

Chailux shakes his head and pushes off the wall. "That's what they say all the time," he sits on the bed with his head in his hands, "wasn't my fault. I gave the order." He gives a long sigh and looks to the photo on the shelf, "so many good people lost because of my mistakes."

A long silence fell upon them until they heard screaming outside. Lily ran to the window and saw ADVENT troopers attacking the supply drop. "They found us," Lily shouts and turns to see that Chailux was gone and so was the rifle.

ADVENT fired at the unarmed personnel and one wearing similar armour to the Stun Lancer but the helmet covers the entire face and was made of plated metal. "Eliminate them all," a static voice orders and ADVENT forces advance on the Avenger.

Bradford runs out along with others and they look out to the battlefield. "Alright people," he loads his cannon and spins it up, "let's teach these guys a lesson." They rush down and fire of the ADVENT Troopers.

An ADVENT Stun Lancer kills a Specialist then sees a red dot creep up along their armour. It reaches the helmet and a gun shot echoes through the air. Chailux pulls back the bolt of the rifle and mutters, "one." With each kill he continues to count.

The ADVENT commanding the operation sees the sniper fire. "You," they point to a MEC which stops and turns to them, "launch me." They point to the top of the Avenger and the MEC nods.

Chailux watches through the scope as the commanding officer was launched into the air towards him. He pulls up a tactical mask and stands, firing his pistol at the enemy. The officer lands a few meters away and Chailux had run out of ammo.

"You are good from a distance," the static voice warped with laughter. They reached around their back and pulled out a shock lance, "but how well are you up close." They lunge towards him and he rolls out of the way. Chailux brings up the barrel of the rifle to defend himself.

"You and the rest of ADVENT will pay for what you did to Nexus," Chailux pulls the trigger just grazing his opponent's arm and giving his time to reload his pistol. The officer pushes themselves up and turns just as Chailux fires and hits the facial plate.

It sparks and cracks then the metal plating slides off and into the collar. Chailux lowered his mask at the sight of who he was fighting. "ADVENT had nothing to do with the Hellskorn scum," he spits out blood then raises a pistol to the Commander, "at least I can..." he started to grip at his head and scream in agony, "I don't care!"

He stumbles back towards the edge and Chailux rushed over to help. It was too late however as he watched him fall off the side. Chailux looked over the edge and fell back as an ADVENT drop ship flew pass him. He just saw the doors close and he muttered, "Damian," as it flew away.

"Commander," Bradford radioed and Chailux responded, "the hostile forces have retreated. Head back inside and we'll prep for launch."

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