Chapter 3-Hidden Truth

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In the armoury, two guys converse in front of the Skyranger. Chailux immediately recognises them when he and Bradford enter. One wears orange with a sword strapped to his back and a shotgun in hand. This is Kendrick 'Exalt' Condor, former EXALT operative turned XCOM after the fall. The other wears black and a helmet covering all but his eyes with a rifle slung over his back. This is Nexus Hellskorn, (Nexus not being his first name) an old friend who has never missed a shot in his career.

"Okay," Chailux said once their little reunion was over, "where are the rest of the team?"

Bradford appears around a corner with a laugh. He was holding a Cannon and a grenade launcher over his back. "We are the team," he said and walked past him, "suit up, Commander."

Chailux gives a nod and heads around the corner. He suits up in blue and gold then grabs an assault rifle. One of those drones lay on the shelf and he looked it over. The underside reads 'Gremlin' and he activates it, making it follow him.

A couple of hours later, the Skyranger dropped them off in the middle of a forest where a convoy had stopped not too far ahead. "In position," Nexus reports through his earpiece, "got eyes on three targets. Soldiers and a Sectoid."

"The power converter is rigged to blow," Bradford tell Chailux and he looks up to see the ADVENT Soldier near the power converter, "Shen's working on an override command but we need to get closer to use it."

Chailux observes the scene then takes notes on everyone's position. "Exalt, go for the Sectoid. Nexus, light up the furthest soldier. Only on my command. Central is with me," he quickly orders and Kendrick pulls his sword. Chailux and Bradford make their way closer to the power converter.

Chailux looks over to where Nexus waited and gave the signal. Nexus took a deep breath and shot the furthermost soldier, kill. The others were alerted and fired back but the Sectoid was sliced by Kendrick. Chailux sent the Gremlin to hack while Bradford took out the remaining soldier.

Shouts filled the air and Bradford looked over at the Commander. "You might want to hurry," he said with a worried tone, "multiple forces inbound."

"Too late," Kendrick yelled out as several ADVENT Soldiers and a Captain appeared, "I'm pinned down here!"

"Go help Exalt," Chailux orders and Bradford nods before running to assist Kendrick. He loaded up a grenade and fired at ADVENT. "Got it," Chailux yells and the Gremlin returns to his side, "Firebrand. Standby for EVAC."

"On my way Commander," the Skyranger's pilot reports. The team continue to fire on ADVENT, pushing them back.

The Captain rushes Chailux and tackles him to the ground. "I don't gotta clear shot," Nexus reports after he asked for assistance, "Bradford. The Commander request assistance."

"Exalt and I are busy," he shouts over the sound of his Cannon. A shot hits him in the shoulder but he ignores the pain and continues to fire.

The Captain throws punches at Chailux who was trying his best to defend himself. He pushes the Captain off and the two exchange blow after blow. One of Chailux's knocks the helmet off of the Captain and he was surprised at what he saw. A split second later and the Captain was dead and Nexus holding a smoking pistol.

Bradford and Exalt came around behind Chailux who was clenching his fists. "Explain," he mutters then Bradford orders the others to secure the power converter. "Explain," Chailux repeats as he steps aside, "explain this!" The corpse of the ADVENT Captain lay on the ground, the exposed face resembling that of his.

So now it is a good time to say that I've changed the story a little.

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