Chapter 18-It's Hard to Forget

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Main reason for the lack of updates... DLC (Mainly Shen's Last Gift). The DLC promises a new class along with a story similar in the sense to what the Slingshot DLC did. I really want to incorporate that into here but there is very limited resources to work with at the time is was published.

The Avenger lands not too far from Kris's Resistance base. It gave time for the Commander to check on his mother and for the crew the set up a relay tower to communicate with other Resistance bases across the globe.

Bradford sat atop a makeshift tower, keeping a sharp eye out for ADVENT ships getting anywhere close. "Room for one more," Chailux asked as he climbs the ladder to join him.

He laughs as the Commander sits next to him. "Shouldn't you be down there. Catching up with your family?"

"They've all waited 20 years," Chailux pulls two beers out of his pockets and hands one to Bradford, "I'm sure a couple of minutes can't hurt." They both take a swig then look out to the setting sun, "so John, any plans for when this is all over?"

"For good or for worse," Bradford jokes as he gives a long sigh, "in all seriousness, I've been so busy with saving your behind and running XCOM I haven't really thought of it." Bradford crushes his empty can and tosses it over the side, "after getting rid of those awful Elder statues, probably settle down and relax."

"What about Jane," Chailux does the same to his empty can and lays back, "I've seen the way you look at her. Maybe there's room in that plan for another?"

"Officer Kelly," Bradford said with a small laugh, "she's a good soldier, dependable. Come to think of it, remind me to get on the comms and check up on her."

Silence falls between the two once again and they just stare out towards the setting sun. "It's weird really," Chailux spoke up and Bradford turns to him, "for me it seemed like only a couple of month but out here," he turns to Bradford with a small forced smile, "it was 20 years."

"It's hard to forget," Bradford admits, looking back over the horizon, "but I remember those bad times of the past and hold them close," he turns to the Commander with determination in his eyes, "I want ADVENT to pay for what they've done. I want to personally look the Speaker straight in those reptilian eyes and do to him what he did to the others."

"I'll make sure you get that opportunity," Chailux pats Bradford on the back and starts to climb back down the ladder, "oh and John." Bradford turns back to the Commander, "thanks for taking care of my family while I was gone."

"Good evening Chailux," Bradford said with a smile and Chailux slid down leaving him alone with his thoughts.

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