Chapter 17-Preparations

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Firebrand was working on the Skyranger when Bradford approached her. "Hey Central," she said over her shoulder, "I've noticed a creaking sound in the engine. Sorry if I don't have time to talk."

"Do you have time for a legend," a familiar voice said from behind and Firebrand slowly turns to see a man dressed in full airforce gear, "good to see pilots like you flying the old girl."

"BigSky," Firebrand said, almost disbelieving the pilot that stood before her. She had no idea how to react but ended up saluting, "it's an honour sir. How did your survive the attack on XCOM HQ 20 years ago?"

"I've been wondering the same thing," Bradford said as he crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow to the pilot, "you went down with the original Skyranger."

BigSky gave a laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Looks can be deceiving," he sat down on a crate as the other two, plus surrounding staff, crowd around like children listening to a story. "The aliens outnumbered us 100 to 1..."

In the Command Centre, Chailux was being brought up to speed on everything he had missed so far. "That explains the missing people," Chailux shook his head after hear all of it. The substance from the Blacksite were thousands of people who have been refined into the goo they now possess, "and this is where it goes?"

Chailux points to a point on the hologlobe and Tygan nods. "I've already spoken to Bradford about it. He insisted a team should go immediately."

"Done," Chailux said as he pushes himself off the railing, "also I need to ask a favour of you but you have to swear you won't tell anybody." Tygan nods to the request and the two move off the Command Centre to Chailux's quarters.

"Magus Rose," an engineer calls out as Rose passes the Resistance Comms, "I've picked up a distress call. You might want to take a look."

Rose enters as the engineer pulls up the message they managed to acquire. The video was static but the audio was clear. "... my coordinates are November 3889, Whiskey 7703. Requesting immediate assistance. Repeat. Coordinates: November 3889, Whiskey 7703."

"Do we have a link with the local resistance cell," she asked and the engineer nodded, "contact them. Make sure those people are safe. The lord knows we could use the help fighting these day."

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