Chapter 2

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Park Ji Hyun POV
I searched through hundreds of classroom until I found class 3-D.

I'm so nervous and scared. I took a deep breath and opened the classroom door from the back.

With a blink of an eye, all the students were already staring at me with their large eyes.

I gulped.

" You must be the transfer student right?" The teacher asked me.

I nod my head slightly.

" Come in and introduce yourself please," the teacher said politely. I walked through all the gazes as quietly as possible trying to be strong.

" Anneonghaseyo, Park Ji Hyun imnida," I said nearly whispering.

I looked up and saw people whispering.

"Another nerd again? Why can't there be any hot boy's?!" A girl whispered to the girl next to her. I bet that girls another donkey that likes to hook boys up with their stupidity and ugliness.

"Silent!!" The teacher soured and the class went as silence as the Galaxy.

" I'm Mrs. Kim." She reached her hand out for a hand shake.

I quickly shook it and pulled back.

"Ji Hyun, you can seat at that seat," Mrs Kim said pointing at the table at the edge of the classroom next to a shorthairs girl.

"Ne," I said and walked over trying to avoid the gazes around me.

" Hello, my name is Eun Mi," the girl next to me and smiled.

Eun Mi is a pretty girl I bet a lot of boys in school chase her around.

" Ji Hyun," I said giving her a slight smile.


" to you.........Columbus........first one to know that the world is round" Mrs.Kim started to blabber about some really weird stuff like how the world has lied to us like we're all dummies.

There is one boy that really catches my eye. Hewas table sleeping. Yes a boy, I find him quiet familiar, I think I have seen him somewhere.

Never mind, focus Park Ji Hyun you are a nerd and a nerd studies!

Fighting !


" Alright class, revise for this subject cause we're going to have a end of the mid-term test," Mrs.Kim said to the class.

Everyone groaned except for me. I was pretty exited. Probably because I am a "nerd"

"Eun Mi, can you please show Ji Hyun around the school" Mrs.Kim added



Eun Mi showed me around this giant school. I was pretty amazed. That's right, AMAZED.

" Eun Mi, who's the girl that has a lot of makeup in class," I asked her while walking.

" oh her, she's the queenka of this school that hook's boys with her stupidity and ugliness called Dorsey" she replied.

" more like donkey to me..., and hey you have the same type of personality and mind as me!"

"Yeah, I think we're going to turn out well" she smiled.

" why are there so many girls screaming over there?" I asked another question wondering why these girls would scream their head off for,certain thing's.

" It's probably BTS"

"Who's BTS?"

"Their the most popular boy gang In all the high schools in Seoul, I hate one for their members!"

"Who? And why?"

" j hope cause he's just-, never mind.."

" wait why is there only 6 members?, where's V or Taehyung." She added

"Who's Taehyung or V."

"Taehyung is the most popular member out of BTS, but there's a bad thing about him is that he is like the male version of the donkey's you saw in class. Arrogant and annoying. Ughhhh! Hate talking about them"

"Ok......., but I wonder what that Taehyung guy looks like"

" He is basically a Korean male angel ok?! Now let's go get our stuff before class."

I didn't answer, I just followed her.

I was getting my English books until a voice came out, making me jump a bit.

"So you Park Ji Hyun huh?" The voice said.

"Who are you?" I asked not facing him.

I turned around and saw the boy I bumped into this morning with manners like a hippo.

" Hey V, where have you been? All the girls are asking where you are!" A voice said behind me.

I turned around and there they are.

In front of me.


wow wow wow, wait a minute. Did he just say V. Omg. Is V the Kinga the boy I bumped into?!

I'm pretty much dead from tomorrow.

I peeking at the side of my eyes and saw Eun Mi glaring at me with a hurry-and-leave-NOW-or-else-I-will-dump-you look.

Looked back again and there I saw j-hope running toward me, well Taehyung.

So now I know why.....

"Can you believe this girl? She doesn't know who I am. I'm the kinga of this school!" Taehyung said as his voice snapped out me and Eun Mi's glaring conversation.

"She's probably a newbie in this school. There's a new student called Park Ji Hyun girl that is transferred here for her scholarship. I wonder if she's smarter then me." A pink hair dude said with a sassy tone behind j hope

" Are you Park Ji Hyun?" That dude asked me.

I slightly nod my head.

"See, she's new let's not bother her then," a tall boy with dark brown hair said.

And with that they left me dumbfounded. Wondering what they do that makes them so popular.

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