Chapter 21

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Park Ji hyun POV

Today were going back to Seoul. Eun Mi has been whining all day. She acts like a baby a lot.

Talking about last night, I don't know if any of those drunk skunks ill be able to wake up.  Its currently 4:50 am now and were packing up our stuffs ready to leave at 5:00

Eun Mi was sitting on her bed looking outside like she will never return.

"I don't want to go back!!" She whined and fell back on her bed.

"Then don't"

"But I have too"

"Then do"

"But I don't want to"

"Then don't"

"Stop it please!!!" She whined like a baby

"Come on Eun Mi, its nearly 5. We have to go" My voice became serious.

"Fine!" She sighed and sat up from the bed.

Before she stood up, she laid back down again.

"It's ok if you don't want to go back. You can stay here. I'm going back to graduate so bye!" I fake waved and left.

"Yah! what kind of best friend are you! leaving your best friend in a strange place with strangers all around" He immediately stood up and did a angry baby face. Her face are never serious. She still has a baby face. 

"JK! so emotional"

"Whatever" with that, both of us went down stairs ready for check out.


"Yah Eun Mi, do you think the skunks would even wake up due to what happened yesterday?" I asked.

"Why? are you worried about Taehyung  that he wouldn't talk and stick to you anymore?" She teased bumping my shoulder.

"No! it's just that you can't leave your partner in a random hotel in the middle of an strange island?"

"Look at you. So cute. Can't believe you still have a caring heart for your enemies!" She said in surprise.

"Yeah, so what. What about you. Do you miss J hope?"

"No, no, no and n-" She got cut of by a voice.

"Hello princess"

That voice is obviously not going to be anyone but HIM.

"Oh so your awake now?" I looked at him in surprise.

"Wow! whats with that face! It only in the morning 5 and you have a stinky face" he said doing a 'wow' face.

"This is called a 'the-annoying-drunk-skunk-is-here-' face" I said pointing forwards my face.

"Ha ha very funny. You name your face expression? what a unique girl!" he faked.

"Talking about drink skunk, what was that about?" he added

"You seriously don't remember?"


"What did we do?" Jimin asked Rap Monster.

"So you wanna know?" he asked


"Ok so......basicallyyouflirtedwithmeandtriedtokissmeonthecheeklikeiwasyourbaby.Youevencalledmejagiyawhenimyourhyung!" he said all in one breath

We all gasped.

"I-i  t-t-ttried to kiss you" Jimin stuttered while he asked.

"Do you think i'm kidding now?" Rap Monsters face lookes like he is ready to punch someone in the face at anytime

"Ok.... Sorry Hyung" Jimin looked away like a shy puppy. Great acting skills he have.

"Ji Hyun, did I do anything stupid?" Suga asked me

"Nope, your very mature and can actually even walk by yourself after I help you up" I slightly smiled at him.

"Thank god..." I heard him mutter.

"What about me!" Taehyung bumped my shoulder on purpose.

"You don't need to know, S-K-U-N-K" I glared at him

"Who are you calling skunk!" he yelled in front of my face.


"Why do you tell them and not me. You even smiled at Suga. That's call bullshi-"

"Hk-hm! It's Suga hyung and mind your language young man" Jin glared at Taehyung.

"Fine then. I'll tell you. You flirted with me, kicked me, poked me, tickled me and even tried to kiss me but luckily I dodged fast enough to prevent your saliva stuck onto my precious face. Like what the hell is your problem! I'm like helping a drunk pervert!"

"Oh" he chuckled.

"So that's your reaction? Anything to say?" I looked at him with a 'a-word-sorry-?' face

"What. you expect me me apologize because of me kicking and poking you?" he smirked.

"yeah?" I gestured

"Sorry but no. That what drunk people do. Don't you know that?" he said while he took out his phone and started scrolling the phone.

"I don't know that cause i'm not the people that parties and go crazy not knowing what they're doing"

"hen you should cause your a absolute dumb pig when you don't"

"you son of your mom! fu-" I was about to curse at him when Eun Mi held me back.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Taehyung muttering something like a girl.


"Enough Ji Hyun. The teachers are here" Eun Mi stopped me again and looked at the students and teachers that were staring at us like clueless chipmunks.

I gave the jerk a last death glare before I sighed and sat back down.

"Everyone on the bus! were going back to seoul now!" Mrs.Kim shouted. We all groaned like it's the first day of school again. 

But this is the way we humans live. Can't do anything about it.


A.N-Sorry for the short chapter but hope you liked it. My mind is out of idea now!

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