Chapter 18

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Park Ji Hyun POV

The museum tour has finally finished. Dorsey has been clingy to Taehyung all the way through and Taehyung has been catching up with me wherever I go completely ignoring Dorsey's presistence.

It now dinner and I can finally eat my food with my bestfriend without hearing whines and disgusting cat sounds made by the worst cat soud maker.

"Yo Eun Mi!" I went over to Eun Mi that was staring at the floor blankly.

"Oh hi!" 

"So how was it?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Are you reall going to ask about it now? It was normal ok? I was completey ignored by the boys who just dumped me by the side for some kind of unicorn jokes" She rolled her eyes.

"Oh really? Why dont you join then, I was fine you know, except when Taehyung at-" I stopped when I was going to say that Taehyung ate with the same spoon as me. She'll probably tease me so I stopped.

"Talking about you guys', why did you stop when you were going to say Taehyung's name? Huh huh?" She nudged me. I knew she's going to tease me.

"Nothing." I answered acting like I didnt say that sentence.

"Oh really?" She pretended to curl her imaginative mustache.

"Yes really." I acted seriously.

"I dont belive you. I'm going to ask Taehyung for the truth" She said simply and walked away to find Taehyung.

"Yo princess nerd!" A arm suddenly rested on my shoulders.

I looked up and saw Taehyung smirking at me.

"Get-your-arm-off-my-shoulder" I said clearly.

"Come on! Dont be that mean princess" He laughed.

"Don't princess me and go find that ugly, clingy so-called girlfriend of yours" I rolled my eyes.

"Since when has 'she' become my girlfriend and since when would I listen to you" 

"When you want to get kicked in the private" I warned him.

"Ok! chill! cool girl, you get tougher everyday!" He got his arm of me.

I was going to walk away when Eun Mi rushed over to me and pulled me back to where I was standing.

"Hey V! just wondering but was there something you and JI Hyundid this morining that are kind of know... a bit romantic?" She asked going the 2 finger touching each other sign.

I quickly stopped her and tried to cover up her mouth but I was too late.

"I think we should go.. haha" I faked and pulled Eun Mi away.

"Uh yeah. We shar-" Taehyung was going to answer but luckily I rushed over and covered up his mouth. 

He tried to pull away but I gave him do-not-tell look.

"you guys what?" Eun Mi asked curiously.

"We shar-"

"Shhhhh V, you wouldn't want to say it would you?" I gave him death glares.

He looked at me with dull eyes like 'like i would care'

"We shared a same spoon for ice cream" He said out loud.

My eyes widen. Eun Mi's eyes widen. Everyone's eye widened and gasped.

I smacked the jerks arm several times.

"Who in the world told you to say it out loud. Now look at what you've cause!" I whispered loud enough to shout.

"By brain told me to" He said and shrugged.

"Sorry everyone, that was a mistake!" I shoued nervously hoping they would ignore what the jerk has just said.

"O.M.G Ji Hyun! You shared a spoon with the most popular boy!" Eun Mi shrieked.

"Is it true?"

"Is it true?" 

"Is it true?" 

She kept asking me. I tried to ignore er but she was to noisy.

"Yes! Its true!" I shouted

She gasped louder.

"Look who just said the truth. " Taehyung said while he walked pass me with a plate of fries.

Can he just stop appearing at the wrong time! its really annoying. I should make a distance between him and me.


Did I say it? omo. omo. omo!

"You did it!" Eun Mi kept shrieking.

ok. I said it. Fine.

"Please stop Eun Mi. I want to have a peaceful lunch" I tried to stop her,

"ok.... But tell me what happened when wer-"

"Ok, Ok!" I promised not even listening to what I have to do.

// (after dinner)

"Damn! So full!" I yawned.

"You could've been on th genius world record book for eating that much food!" Eun Mi did a 'wow' face.

I looked at the 13 stacked plates infront of me. 13 plates would not beat my record of 20 plates.

"Neh! its not that much" I said

Eun Mi looked at me blankly.

"Here we are, with the fat nerd. Look at you! eat so much!" Dorsey and her gang appeared.

"Yeah I eat a lot, and what has that got to do with you" 

"Got to do with me? Nothing. Its just that look at you! flast breast with curved lines. No wonder why people don't like you. AT ALL" She smirked.

"And how do you know that I dont have a curve? Do you stalk me or what. Byuntae"

"Hmpft! Like I would want to see your fat body. I bet your future boyfriend would dump you after the first date cause of your size ebarassing him" She rolled her eyes

"Me having to date or not is non of your buisness so shoo. Dont interupt my dinner time" I said.

Dorsey's gang swayed their body with their heels and walked away poshly.

"Dont listen to her Ji Hyun, you have a better body shape then me. You should be proud of your self" Eun Mi tapped on my shoulders. 

I didnt answer but nodded.


"Listen kids! Go bck to your room now and sleept early cause tomorrow wold be another exhauting day!" Mrs. Kim said and we all dismissed.

I wish Dorsey does not even exist in this world. All she does is laugh and insult people. Why dont she look at herself then look at us?!

How do people even think she's pretty when her face is 100% fake made with plastic and make up. Just so stupid. 

This trip is all ruined by her. Dorsey Yon

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