Chapter 14

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Kim Taehyung POV (After school)

I am tapping my foot now while I playing with my finger. What takes her to come to the school when her house is justa few blocks away???? Is she a turtle?

Soon or later, I saw a shadow of a person getting clearer. It was Ji Hyun.

"Yah! what took you so long?" I asked.

"Chatting took me so long"She answered and rolled her eyes.

"Are you going to say anything? If not then I'm leaving" She waved her hand in front of my face.

How should I ask her? Should I even ask her? Would she say yes? Come on Kim Taehyung! Your borned to be strong and clever! Think of something!


"Make it quick cause I dont have time to faff around with you" She crossed her arms.

"Canyoupleasegotothetripwithme??!!!!" I said as quick as I could.

"Did I hear that right? The Kinga of seoul high just begged me to go to a trip with him?" She said sacastically.

"I did NOT beg and stop being sarcastic cause its annoying me"

"If i'm getting onto your nerves then ignore me and ask one of your insane fans" she did the bunny hand.

"Idontwanttocauseyoumakemeattracttoyou!" I spatted out words.

Finally, I said it ou even though i'm clueless about what I just said.

"Did you say that your attracted to me?" She looked at me with a confused face.

Wait! I said that i'm attracted to her?! Da heo no! It's true but... Whatever!

"N-no......" I shuttered. Why did I even shutter. Stupid mouth! Stupid mouth!

"Ha! you just shuttered, such a weak baby" She did a crybaby face to me.

"When are you ever going to accept my deal?!" I yelled

"When there's such thing as a llamacorn on planet Earth and when has your whatever turned into a deal?"

"Fine! so you want a deal? Ok then. The deal is that i'll provide you food, cloths, school fee, home living stuff and its basically your life fee for 2 month ok?!" I randomly said deals that i wouldnt even i know if I can pay for.

"2 month of living fee?!" She shouted.

She looked quiet impressed with the deal I said randomly. Her face has brightended up from the troll face she just had.

"Are you serious? 2 month of living fee? Anything?" She asked for making sure.

"Yeah anything fo 2 months. So you want the deal or not!?" I am out of my annoyed limits. If she says no today, this time then i'm gonna give up and stay at home as well to annoy her!

"Hmmmmm.... Let me think about it"

"If you dont answer now then i'm gonna take back the deal!"

"Fine, fine, fine! yes I accept the deal ok? Now make a contract or else I would not believe you since what you did to me before" She answered.

Finally Yes!!!!!!!!!! She going with me. 

Oh yeah

Oh Yeah

oh yeah

ah yeah!

Luckily I had already made a contract. I knew she wouldnt trust me. And luckily I brang a pencil for emergency.

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