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I sat across from my boyfriend, Noah, as we wait for our food. He does whatever on his phone while I sat with my thoughts. I smooth out my skirt and my blonde hair trying to get comfortable in the stiff booth.

Our food arrives and we quickly dig in. I eat my soup and grilled cheese even though I'd much rather have a cheeseburger or a slice of pizza.

"You up for going to a party, later?" Noah finally speaks.

I nod, wanting to actually do something with my weekend. "Sure. I'll have to stop home hand change but yeah."

"Cool. Let's hurry up then." Those were the last words he said before we left. We hurry and scarf down our food, I pay and we head out.

I quickly get ready since Noah wanted to get to the house quick. I put on a short, tight, black long sleeve dress. I left my long hair in its curly state and touch up my makeup before grabbing my shoes. We head out to his car and he drives to the party that was close to my house.

We get out and he grabs my hand. We walk, hand in hand, up to the house full of drunk high schoolers.

Noah instantly spots a cooler with beer and starts leading us towards it. "Want one?" I nod and he hands me a cold beer.

He finds his friends and I find mine. "Maddy, I love your dress." My best friend Samantha chirps.

"Thanks! It was last minute so I'm glad it looks alright." I smile as we walk towards a table.

"It really shows off your curves. You should go on that diet thing with me or at least come to the gym with me a few times a week." Kim, my petite friend comments.

"Yeah. Possibly." I sigh as I look down at my thighs before quickly look back up, making sure not to shame myself in public.

"We were about to start a game of beer pong, you in?" Kim questions as we reach to where they were leading me.

I shrug. "Might as well."

Let's just say, that was my first game of beer pong. I'm not the best at it, in fact I lost the two rounds we played. I ended up consuming nine shots in the span of twenty minutes. You could say I was pretty tipsy.

"I'm going to go find Matty." Samantha slurs as she wonders off to find her boyfriend.

Kim had disappeared so now I was all alone. Noah could be literally anywhere. I begin to stumble around till I fall onto some guy. He catches me and let's out a small giggle.

"Watch where you are going." He says, standing me up.

"Sorry. I was goin' to find my boyfwiendss car so I can get out of here." I state slurring every so often.

"Wow, no!" He shouts grabbing my arm as I begin to walk away.

I jump at his loud voice. "You yelled at me." I pout my drunken state making me easily emotional:

"Sorry. I just don't want you to crash. Want me to drive you home??" He asks

"Sure." I giggle as he helps me walk to outside to his car.


"Don't you want to tell your boyfriend?" I ask the wasted girl.

Of course I knew who she was, she's literally the queen of the whole damn school. I won't lie, she's beautiful, but she is a spoiled brat.

"Nah, he's probably fucking some girl." She shrugs like it was no big deal.

"Why are you still with him?" I help her into the car before I head to the drivers seat.

"Reasons." She states curling up in a ball, leaning her head on the window. "Do you know where I live?"

"Yeah, you live a few floors below me." I tell her as I remember seeing her at my apartment building a few times.

"No! That's not where I live!" She instantly shouts like I wasn't supposed to know that. "My Aunt does. I live on 935 Court Drive." She seemed to sober up in those few seconds.

"Alright." I sigh Maddy being complicated.

I arrive at her huge house and drive up her long ass driveway. She was asleep. I get out of my car and head over to her side. I pick her up, bridal style, carrying her up to the house.

"Hey." I whisper, but it was loud enough for her to wake up. "Keys?"

She reaches into her purse and hands them to me. I open the door and enter the empty house.

"Upstairs, second door to the left." She tells me before I head up the stairs. The house was huge, much bigger than my two story apartment room; and may I say my apartment was pretty big.

I carry the light girl up to her room. I expected the room to be full of pink and flowers, but when I entered the room, it was the complete opposite. It was a light color with a queen size bed, a white bed spread over it. Then on the wall above her bed, there were vinyls that varied from, ATL, Ed Sheeran, tøp, the 1975, Green Day, Nirvana, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Coldplay and the Arctic Monkeys. I stared in amazement. There were a few posters throughout her room as well. It was a huge room. One wall had guitars, a ukulele, and even the bass hanging from it. A keyboard was in one corner as well.

 A keyboard was in one corner as well

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"I love your room." I gawk in amazement.

"Well besides my family, you're the first to see it." She yawns.

"Well I'm honored." I smile, tucking her in. "Goodnight."

"Night. Thank you."

"Your welcome." I say walking towards her door.

"Wait!" She stops me. "What's your name?"


"I like that." She muses in her drunken state. "I'm Maddy."

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now