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"So how have you been?" Ashton asks as we lay on the roof of our building.

"Better than four months ago." I smile.

"That's something." He says enthusiastically as he grabs my hand.

"I guess it is nice living in her old apartment, it's just so different without her energy in the room." I sigh. It's been four months. Four months since Aunt Lex passed, we moved into her apartment and the last time I've seen my dad. "Apparently my dad got arrested for illegal drug use." I chuckle.

"Wow." His eyes widen.

"It's been all about me lately, how are you?"

"Great, actually. Yes, it hurts me that you're sad. But I mean you live a few doors down, the band is getting big and you found out they made a mistake and can have children." He rambles.

"Why's that last part that big of a deal?" I roll my eyes.

"Because we can have beautiful children together." He muses.

"Who says we are staying together that long?" I giggle, nudging him a bit.

"I do. And if you try to leave, I'm going to lock you up in my room." He says staring straight at me with no expression.

"Creep. Anne wouldn't approve." I mutter.

"You love me though!" He pokes my side.

"Sadly I'm in love with a creep." I joke and he pouts.

"Can you believe this is our last night at home for a long ass time?" Ashton switches the topic.

"Yup. You're lucky I'm doing online college so I can go with you guys. This 7 month tour may just be the death of me."

"You'll love it! You get to spend everyday with me and the guys!"

"Again this tour will be the death of me." I laugh as he pulls me closer.

"You love me though!" He squeezes me placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I do love you." I smile widely.

"And I love you too. So much, Maddy."


I'm shit at updating. I'm sorry. This is short as hell and the book is over. Thank you all so much for reading. I think I have a Calum book coming soon, so watch out for that. I feel like that will be a better book and I'm excited.

ALSO, my Michael book is at 2.7k reads! Like I find that insane, thank you. Hope you enjoyed this shitty book.

Love you all!

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now