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It's our first official date and so far its been a bunch of climbing stairs. "Ashton where the hell are you taking me!?" I shout as I trip over a step. He also insisted on blind folding me cause otherwise it'd spoil the surprise.

"You'll see. We're almost there." He says tightening his grip on my hand. I hear a door open and I'm instantly hit with cool air. He unties the blindfold revealing me to a beautiful view of the city.

"Ashton.. It's beautiful." I smile widely as I look at the dark night illuminated by the city lights. We were on a roof of a building an it was absolutely stunning.

"I thought you'd like it." He returned the smile, proudly.

I turned to look at him a few feet away. I walk foreword and slam my lips to his. "Thank you."

He sits down, pulling me with him. "Of course, beautiful." We lay on the cold ground, staring up at the stars. "So what's up with your dad?"

"Well he's been in and out according to my mum. I can't go back home though. I really don't know what he's done. But I've been told that he might finally be gone for good." I explain fear and excitement mixing in my voice.

"I'm glad he'll be gone. But doesn't that mean you won't be down the hall as much?"

"Yeah, but trust me we're probably going to spend a ton of time together." I reassure him.

"Good." He kisses my hand.

"So what's new with you?" I ask.

"Well, you know our band?"

I nod. "Yeah, the band I have yet to hear."

"Yeah. Well we have a meeting and if it goes well we may or may not get a record deal." He says excitedly.

"That's awesome!" I exclaim facing him.

"I'm nervous but I know we'll do decent."

"Well I'm proud of you."

"Thanks." We sat in a nice silence before he stood up. "My mum made me take a dance class when I was younger.." He starts pulling me up, starting to sway me back and forth.

"Well you kind of suck." I say, pulling one of my feet back as he steps on it.

"Never said I was good." He shrugs pulling me into his chest as we continue to sway.

"Thank you for everything."

"And thank you for being you."


This was so short, I apologize

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now