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It was an understatement to say life was hard. Today we were cleaning out Aunt Lex's apartment after a week of her being gone. I haven't been at school at all since and I was grateful for Ashton who would stop in everyday. He was also helping us today.

"Do you want these?" Ashton gestures to Lex's weird ass bar chairs. By weird I met ugly.

"Uh, no, it's fine." I give him a week smile.

My mum walks in looking furious. "Guess what?!" She shouts tears streaming down her face.

"What? Are you okay?!" I panic, rushing over to my mum.

"We have to move, Mads."

My face drops. "You're kidding."

"Your dumb ass father kicked us out. That bastard is barely home in the first place." She brings me into a hug. "Aunt Sydney has a place in America. She'll be here this weekend and we can go back with her."

"Fuck this." I shake my head hurrying out of the room.


Her mum and I exchange looks. "I'll go talk to her." I tell her as I hurry to find Maddy.

I call her, no answer. She wasn't in the lobby, out front, or in my apartment. I then remembered a place I showed her not too long ago.

I hurt up some stairs before reaching the roof. Her back was turned away from me as she stood on the edge.

"Madelyn!" I shout as I rush over to her. She said nothing. "Get down!" Still nothing.

"Why is my life full of shit?" She finally speaks up.

"Everyone's life has shit. Your share just happens to be now." I sigh grabbing her wrist.

"I can't handle this all." Maddy snaps her head around. "It has been complete crap this past year. Just one bullshit day after another, and I don't want to deal with that anymore."


"Ashton! Everyone at school hates me, my ex was a complete ass to me, my own dad hates me; he's fucking kicking us out. One of the biggest role models in my life died!" She sits down, crying hysterically. "I just want to be done."

"Not everyone hates you. You mum loves you, your brother loves you, the guys love you, I love you." I breath out and she faces me.

"You love me?" Maddy says almost in shock.

I nod. "And it would hurt so much if you just left me right now. So please get down." I put my hand out for her.

She looks at it questioning whether or not to grab it. She holds it and I pull her up into my arms.

"Hey, why don't you move into Lex's place?" I ask.

"Ashton, you are the most brilliant person I know!" There was a smile on her face for the first time in these past few days.

We sit down on the ground, holding her in my arms. "You know the guys do care. They've been constantly checking in these past few days."

"I'm so glad I found you." She snuggles next to me. "But I really wish you didn't remember this place had a roof."

"Madelyn, make me  a promise; if you ever have the urge to hurt yourself that you'll come to me." She looks at me with sad eyes. "Please, I hate seeing you so broken." I put my pinky out.

"Fine, I promise." She says, hooking her finger to mine. We lay there in silence for a good ten minutes, and I'm pretty sure she's asleep; that is up until she looked up at me. "I love you too." She says with a smile.

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now