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I walk up to Noah in the hallway. I was still pretty exhausted from Saturday even though it's been a few days. I don't exactly know how I got home, I was hoping I wandered home. No one could see my house.

"Hey babe." I smile up at him as he looks away from his friends.

"Oh, hey Mads." He pecks my lips, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"I start my new math class today." I sigh thinking of the new people I'll have to get used to.

"Awe, that sucks that they moved you down." He says sympathetically. "You better get going so you aren't late."

"Yeah, I guess. See you later." I quickly peck his lips.

"Bye." He waves before turning back to his group. I began walking to the new classroom. I heard Noah's group of friends break out into laughter but ignore it and keep walking.

The bell rang and I mentally cursed knowing the teacher would freak. I walk quicker and finally find the room. I walk in and the teacher was in the middle of speaking, then stopped to face me, along with the whole class.

"I'm your new student." I tell Mr. Hill, my new math teacher.

"Ah yes, Maddy. And you're late on your first day." He rolls his eyes and then looks around the class. "You can take the empty seat next to Ashton. Also I'll need to talk to you both after class."

I don't ask questions and sit down next to the oddly familiar boy.

"Surprised you aren't thanking me. You wouldn't stop thanking me the other night." He lightly laughs, his curly hair falling in his face.

I watch as he then places it behind his ear. The name sounded too familiar. I stared at him for a couple moments.

"Ashton!" I state, remembering him. "You brought me home."

"Yeah." He nods.

"Never speak about it, ever." I whisper, trying to sound threatening

"Why-" I cut him off.

"This is my first time meeting you, alright?" I demand.

He rolls his eyes and faces the teacher once more. I felt bad, he was a nice guy, but what he saw was something no one else could know about.

The bell rang about twenty minutes later. "Ashton, Maddie! Not you guys."

I sigh but head back over to the Mr. Hill's desk.

"Are we in trouble?" Ashton questions, a little panicked.

"No, don't worry." He reassures us. "Maddie's grades have dropped dramatically and she wasn't understanding the basics in honors math. So Ashton, since you have the best grade in this class and you're a good student, I was hoping you could tutor Maddie."

Both our eyes widen. "I don't need a tutor, trust me." I argue.

"Your performance in class says otherwise."

I groan.

"It's only a few days a week for a month or two." He explains to us.

"Fine." We both cave in.

We walk out of class heading to our lockers. "I'll give you my address tomorrow so you can come over around five." Ashton tells me before heading to his friends.

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now