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I walk into school, my hair short and natural. It was nice to be somewhat me.

"Maddy?" My boyfriend's voice sounds.

"Oh, hey!" I smile giving him a hug.

"People weren't lying when they said you changed your hair." He tells me.

"Yep! Is that a problem?"

"I mean.. I only date blondes."

"What's that have to do with anything?! You've been dating a brunette this whole time."

"See, I have this image I want to keep." He begins to walk away.

"Are you that shallow?!" I practically yell gaining an audience.

"No, just kinda like being somebody." Noah shrugs.

"Hair color doesn't make a difference." I argue.

"Apparently you haven't met the society. Just have daddy make it better, gave him buy you some diamonds and you'll be all better." He walks away, nudging me as he pasts me. The group of people begin to laugh.

I begin walking out of the school, catching a glimpse of a sympathetic Ashton.


"There goes your women." Luke laughs.

"Don't laugh. Please don't." I sigh, walking out of the building.

"When did you start caring about her?" Michael says, disgusted.

"Since I've learned more about her. Now excuse me while I go make sure she's okay." I tell them walking as fast as I could to the apartment building. I hurry to her apartment.

Her Aunt Lex answers. "Oh, hey Ashton!" She smiles.

"Hi Lex! Did Maddy come home?"

"Nope, sorry." She purses her lips as she stands in the doorway.

"Alright, thanks." I bid a goodbye before heading to her actual home.

I enter the empty house and head upstairs, the memory of bringing her home that one night, fills my mind.

"Mads?" I knock on the door.

"Go away!" She chokes out in a muffled voice.

I walk in to her room to see a lump of covers.

"He wasn't worth it anyways." I state sitting on the end of her bed.

"You don't understand though." She mumbles.

"He was cheating on you. You were going to breakup with him sooner or later." I knew I probably shouldn't have told her this at her current state but she needed to hear it.

"I know he was." She sighs sitting up, coming out of her covers.

"Then why-"

"You want to know?" She questions.

I nod.

"I've never told anyone about this." Maddy panics.

"Don't worry about it. Saying it will make you feel better." I reassure her.

"Alright." She takes a big deep breath. "So both my parents are very successful; my mum a doctor and my dad a lawyer. Then my brother ended up with their success and is currently studying law. My parents expect so much of me even though I don't want to do what they want me to do. They get so angry because I'm such a disappointment. My dad, now, will lash out. My parents will get into arguments about my future; reasons why I'm always at my aunt's."

She wipes under her eyes where tears were building up.

"So to feel excepted for once, I dyed my hair hair and became this whole "popular" person to feel like I was somebody. Now without a big-shot boyfriend, I'll be seen more as a joke. I don't want that, I have that at home. You should've seen how mad my dad was when he saw I dropped levels in math. He completely hates me. He hit me. He fucking hit me because I'm such of a disappointment." She was crying now. I bring her into my arms where she sobs for a few moments.

"And your Michael friend.. He didn't like me because of my boyfriend. I have this whole label of Queen of the school and now it's all down the drain. So I still have this image and when I want to make real friends, it just wont happen."

"Hey, shh, you are worth so much more than you think you are. You are beautiful, strong, smart, funny, and all these amazing things, you got that?" I tell her as she snuggles into my chest.

She nods, tears streaming down her face. "You said you understood me when you saw my bruise. W-What happened to you."

"Shitty abusive dad who ended up leaving us." I shrug. "I'm over it, though."

"Oh." She sighs. "I-I yelled at you for not knowing what I'm going through when you know better than me."

"Don't worry about it, you didn't know." I tell her as she balls her eyes out.

"God, I hate myself." Maddy cries.

"You shouldn't." I hold her.

"Why do you care about me?"

"When I first met you, I guess I realized you are more than what people make you out to be and I guess I want to figure you out. But you turned out to be a great person." I explain to her.

"Thank you, really." She smiles for once.

"For the record, you do look better as a brunette." I smile back, playing with one of her curls.

"You better because it's what cost me my boyfriend and caused this shit." She sniffles feeling a little better.

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now