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It was lunch now. I made it through half the day, then again I avoid all my friend.

I walk over to my usual table. "Hey guys." I smile and wave.

"Oh, hi." Mackenzie rolls her eyes. "There's no room, sorry."

"Just move over a bit." I suggest.

"Look, there's no room. Just find somewhere else to sit." She snaps and I roll my eyes, walking off.

I sigh as I look around. I was completely humiliated. Some were watching and some could care less. I notice the curly haired boy and walk over to wear he was sitting. Michael was there along with two others. One I recognized from Noah's soccer team.

I head over and Michael rolls his eyes. Ashton nudges him and looks up at me. "What's up?" Ashton questions, his hazel eyes staring up at me.

"Got kicked out of my table. Your my only other friend, so can I sit with you guys?" I ask with hopeful eyes.

"I don't know.." The blonde one drags his words.

"Yeah, you can join us." Ashton smiles moving over so I could pull up a chair.

I sit next to him and look at them all. "I know you, what are your guy's names?"

"I'm Luke." He gives a quick wave.

"And I am Calum." He fakes a smile.

"Ashton has told me about you guys." I recall other times Ashton and I have hung out and he always mentions the three.

"What did you tell her?" Calum asks.

"All good, don't worry." I lightly laugh. "You guys seem cool. Like a band, that's amazing."

"Oh, thanks." Luke smiles.

"So you lose your friends, so now you all of a sudden decide to be nice to us." Michael blurts out in an angered tone.

"Michael!" Ashton raises his voice.

"No, he's right. Trust me, I never wanted to be a complete ass. You have no idea how bad and how much I regret doing all that shit."

"Look, I hope you know that, you can't just waltz in here and expect us all to love you because you've apologized."


"I realize this. But trust me, I'm trying to change." I try to reassure the angered boy.

"Mikey, please give her a chance. She's different now, she's actually trying to be her." Ashton defends me.

"Thanks, Ash." I lay my head on his shoulder. 

"Of course, bud. Now go get something to eat." He says now that we clarified things to the guys.

"Oh, um- I'm not really hungry anymore." I tell him the lie.

"You sure?"

"Positive." I smile.

"Alright." He sighs.

"So, Maddy, what do you actually like?" Calum asks me.

"Music." I state glad to speak of my interests instead of gossip and the latest clothing releases.

"Really?" Luke raises an eyebrow.

"I play guitar, piano and some bass. Also if your music taste is anything like Ashton's, we all like these band." I explain to them and their eyes begin to widen.

"I'm impressed." Luke comments.

Maybe things won't be too difficult.

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now