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"The book looks terrible" Ashton complains as we leave class.

"I bet it's gonna be pretty good." I shrug putting my stuff in my locker and we head to lunch.

Michael walks up to us and looks at me. "Can I talk to you?"

"Uh, sure." I give Ashton a weird look before following Michael to some place near the cafeteria.

"I hope you know I am sorry and I want to become your friend. Either way we'd have to, I mean you're his girlfriend and I'm one of his best friends." He explains.

"Why were you such a bitch to me?"

"You were an ass to me, and I get you just wanted to fit in. But it pissed me off that this rude rich girl could waltz in like you did nothing at all."

I took a second to think. "Fine. We can be friends."

"Yay!" He cheers giving me a big hug.

"Let's head back to lunch." I smile as we walk to our table.

"Wow, Michael and Maddy are actually talking." Calum gasps.

"Yeah, we're good." I shrug sitting next to Ashton.

"I'm glad." Ashton smiles placing a small kids on my cheek.

My phone goes of and I groan grabbing it. "What now?!"

It was my mum. I kinda panicked but then thought nothing of it.

"Hey hun." She says in a shaky voice.

"What's wrong?" I hold my breath, anticipating a response.

"Your aunt Lex. Mads, she had a heart attack. Just get over here, quick." My mum was crying. She's a pretty strong person, so if she's crying it's bad. But who wouldn't cry if their sister was possibly on her death bed.

But her words replayed in my mind and I say there, speechless, my jaw slightly dropped as tears well up.

"What happened?" Ashton squeezes my hand.

I get up out of my seat and head towards my car, footsteps hurrying behind me. "Madelyn, what happened?" Ashton panics, bringing into his arms.

"She had a heart attack." I lost it, sobbing into his chest.

"Who? Your mum?" He panics trying to calm me.

I shake my head. "Lex."

"Maddy.. I'm so sorry. Here give me your keys, I'll drive you." I don't argue and get in the passengers seat. He drives, not speaking a word, knowing I needed time to process the news I just got.

We arrive at the hospital and I hurry in. I see my mum and hug her. "You wanna see her?" I nod as Ashton finally catches up with us. "Hi, Ashton." My mum gives him a weak smile before we all head up to Lex's room.

I slowly walk over to Lex. She was awake, but weak. "Hey babe." She says in a scratchy voice.

"Hey." I smile, sitting next to her.

"How has your week been?" She asks trying to make this seem like a normal conversation.

"Pretty good." I lean in closer to her. "That curly haired kid over there may be my boyfriend."

"What'd I tell you!?" She smiles widely. "He's a good kid, don't let him go." She then calls Ashton over.

"Hi Aunt Lex." He smiles.

"You better treat her well, Ashton. I might not be around to help protect her and keep her safe, make sure you do this for me." She says Ashton. "God, I'm so happy you two are together, I've been waiting for her to find a boyfriend that wasn't shit."

Ashton's smile grows. "Thank you."


She died about an hour or two after that. My mum and I sobbed as Ashton comforted us, him even crying a bit. He like Lex, I could tell.

She was one of my best friends. It's going to be hard to adjust to life without Aunt Lex.

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