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I walk up to the apartment that looked similar to my aunt's on the outside. A young women opens the door.

"Oh, you must be Maddy!" The lady exclaims.

"That's me." I smile.

"Ashton's running late at band practice, so he'll be home soon. Come in." She gestures me inside with a welcoming smile. "I'm Anne, Ashton's mum."

"It's nice to meet you." I put my hand out but she instead brings me into a hug.

I look at the apartment that is much bigger than Aunt Lex's whose was one floor with two bedrooms. Meanwhile, the Irwin's have a two story, with multiple bedrooms.

"You have a beautiful home." I state as I follow her to the kitchen.

I sit on a bar stool next to a girl who looked a few years younger, maybe middle school.

"Awe, you are two kind. Do you want anything to drink or eat? I made brownies."

"I'll takes brownie." I respond. Anne hands me one and was it the best brownie on the planet. "This is amazing."

"Isn't it?!" The girl next to me, exclaims.

"Yeah, it's heaven in my mouth."

"Basically. I'm Lauren." She introduces herself.

"Maddy." I give her a friendly grin.

"The asleep on the couch, is Harry." Lauren then tells me.

"Awe he's cute." I muse over the sleeping boy.

We then hear the door fly open and multiple footsteps.

"I'm home!" Ashton's voice booms. "With Michael!"

"Ash!" Lauren jump off her chair running to wherever the curly boy is.

"Hey Ashton! I love Mike, but do you remember you have a guest?" Anne reminds him as him and his blue haired friend walk into the kitchen, drumsticks in his hands.

"Ah, I forgot." He groans. "Do you wanna reschedule or.." He asks me.

Who I was assuming is Michael, doesn't take his eyes off me, if eyes could kill, I would be dead. "N-No, I'll just head home." He states quickly exiting the apartment.

"Uh, sorry about him." Ashton apologizes. "I don't think he's a huge fan of your boyfriend."

"Okay." I sigh.

I knew I had all these friends. But I also knew that they were pretty fake. But I had this image and my friends also change how people see me. So when it comes to make real friends, it never really works.

"You all good?" Ashton asks.

"Yeah, just a little tired. We should probably go do some math." I suggest. He nods in agreement before leading me upstairs.

He had a pretty cool room. Posters similar to mine, a guitar and drums in the corner, along with a nicely made queen sized bed. I look over at Ashton who was staring at me.

"What?" I laugh.

"Trying to read you. Also thinking how much better you'd look with your natural brown hair." He shrugs sitting on his bed.

I just smile and sit next to him.

"So, you are in a band?"

"Yeah." He shrugs. "Nothing big, just a few good friends who play small gigs every so often."

"That's awesome!" I exclaim. "I'm assuming you play the drums?"

"Yep. Pretty great instrument."

"It is. I could never figure it out though."

"Maybe I could teach you some time." He suggests and I just nod.

My phone buzzes, a few friends texting in a group chat asking to go to the mall.

"I should probably go. Was invited to the mall." I say in an apologetic tone.

"Alright." He sighs.


"I get it. Princess of the school has to show up otherwise the world will fall apart." He rolls his eyes.


"It's fine, go use daddy's money on jewelry, it's not like you committed to anything."

"What's your deal?!"

"Just saying, I can tell you don't want to go to the mall, but you give up what you committed to just to save your spot as little miss precious."

"Fuck you, Ashton. You have no clue why I do this. You don't know my life." I raise my voice. "I'll see you around, Irwin."

I then walk off and out of the apartment to the mall.

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now