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I head up the stairs of my aunts apartment complex, the elevator being out of order today.

I get up to the fourth level and head left to her apartment.

"Maddy?" A voice calls. My heads snaps towards the voice. I see Ashton and mentally curse.

"Ashton.." I fake smile.

"You were supposed to come at five, and my apartment is the other way." He tells me.

"Oh, I must've forgot." I lie before the door to the apartment in front of me opens.

"Mads, whose this boy? New boyfriend? I never liked Noah." My aunt Lex rambles.

"No, this is Ashton. This is my math tutor."

"But you're great at math." She states looking at me confused.

"I'm really not." I lie again. She was about to speak again but I cut her off. "Why don't you come, Ashton." I then suggest.

"Sure." He shrugs.

Aunt Lex was in her early 30s. She was young. She still acted like she was in college.

"I broke up with Robert." She informs me while pouring some coffee. "Well he broke up with me."

"What'd you do?" I ask knowing she loves revenge.

"Well, I still had the key to his house. So I saran wrapped his car that was stupidly left outside his house. Then I went in and put mouse traps throughout the house that will easily get him, they were also all over the floor in his room. Then in his office I put cups of water, everywhere; and if one falls, then there goes an electronic." Lex explains feeling proud. Doing this made her easily get over a breakup.

"So you just broke in?" Ashton questions.

"Technically he never took his key back, so he's practically inviting me in." She chuckles.

"Hey Maddy, I like this lady." He smiles brightly.

"Yeah, me too. By the way, this is aunt Lex." I introduced him.

"You guys should probably get to your tutoring. Ashton, you are welcome here anytime." She smiles at him. "Mads, the closet is finished so you can stop bringing suitcases and just put some clothes in there."

"Thank you!" I exclaim giving her a big hug.

We head to my room that wasn't as big as the one at home. In fact it was quite small.

"So, do you play?" Ashton asks, pointing to the guitar in the corner of my room.

"Uh, no." I snap. "Just decoration."

"Like the three guitars and piano in your other room. Also the posters?"

"So math.," I try to change the topic.

"So apparently you are good at math?"

"Ashton, stop!"

"Explain to me, because I don't understand."

"Yes I play piano and guitar and even bass! I like all those bands!" I exclaim grabbing my math.

"Why don't you like people knowing?"

"Reasons, okay?" I sigh at the thought of people not knowing.

"What about your second home? Or the fact that your roots, yeah, those are brown. You're naturally brunette." He points to my hair.

"You don't need to know why I stay here, alright? And yes I may not be naturally blonde, but I have my reasons. You will never mention any of this to anyone, alright?" I whisper/yell, pointing my finger at him.

"It's not my place to tell anyone." He then grabs my wrist, directing where I was pointing to. "I'm over here."

"I knew that." I shrug.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He places a few fingers in front of me.


"You're cute. But that was three." He giggles looking around till he spots a pair of glasses. He places them on me and everything was clear. "Do you always just, not see?"

"I dropped the last of my contacts down the sink." I admit, a little embarrassed. I felt like it was easy to open up to Ashton, but I barely knew him.

He began to laugh. "Nice going. For the record you look nice in glasses."

"Oh, thanks." I look down blushing a little.

He clears his throat. "Uh, can you do the math?"

"Yeah, this is fucking easy." I tell him.

"Good, I should probably get going. I'll see you around." He flashes a quick smile.


Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now