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It's been a few days since we've admitted our feelings for each other. Things have definitely been different but a good different, I finally was able to show how I feel to Ashton.

He swings our hands back and forth as we walk into school. "So I was thinking Friday we could have our first date." He suggests.

"I think that'll work." I smile up at him as we begin heading to class.

"It better."

"So where are we going?" I ask being very curious of what he's planning.

"It's a surprise." Ashton tells me, kissing my forehead.

"Oh hey, Maddy!" A chirpy voice sounds behind me. I throw my head back and groan before turning around to face Mackenzie and her 'gang.'

"What?" I snap.

"I just noticed you were with curly over here." Her high voice piercing my ears. "I remember him from the other night, he'd just trying to get in your pants. And I mean if you don't mind that since you're a slut, he's good in bed."

My jaw dropped as I tried to process this all. I loosened my grip on Ashton's hand before letting go and walking away. I picked up my speed as I hurried to the bathroom which, luckily, was empty. I heard Ashton calling after me and banging on the bathroom door.

"Go away." I shout from a stall. I knew he never  slept with Mackenzie; first of all he hates her, second he would never betray my trust but for some reason some part of me believed Mackenzie.

But I also think the other thing that hurt was the fact that after she said she slept with him, proceeded to call me a slut. She literally thinks I'm such a whore that after my boyfriend cheated on me, I would proceed to date him. Correction I'm not his girlfriend, but that's beside the point.

I hear the door fly open and heavy footsteps walk in. I knew it was Ashton. "Mads?" I hear him call as he opens a few stalls till getting to me.

"What are you doing here?" I sigh.

He ignores the the question. "Are you mad?"

"No. I just really hate when people call me a slut when I've done nothing wrong." I wipe under my eyes. "Did you actually sleep with her?"

"Way before I met you. And trust me I wouldn't do anything with her now, she's a complete asshole. I'm sorry, though." He stands me up.

"Don't be. You did nothing wrong." I smile wrapping my arms around his torso my head resting on his chest.

"I would never to anything that would hurt you, trust me. You are too amazing to let go." He says into my hair as he pulls his arms around me. He pecks my lips before grabbing my hand like the before the incident as he begins dragging us out of the bathroom. "Hey beautiful, I'm sorry to break it to you but we still have class."

"Thanks for the reminder." I say shoving him lightly.

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now