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I sat on the couch with Calum as we played some video game. Like I've mentioned, we've become close friends. I win the game with a three to two victory.

"Damnit Maddy." He mumbles.

"Mad that I beat you?" I stick my tongue out at him.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Ashton." Calum apologizes.

"Don't worry about. He's just not the one." I shrug it off.

"Really?!" Calum perks up.

"Yeah. I mean what's the point?"

Calum stands up grabbing my hands, pulling me up too. He starts spinning us around and humming.

"What's up with you?" I laugh my vision starting to get blurry.

"Just really happy!" He smiles stopping us and looking at me, his face very close.


"Because I'm trying to make you happy!" He smiles widely.

"Sounds like a plan." I weakly smile, becoming more and more lightheaded.

"You alright? You look really pale." Calum holds me in his arms, scared I was about to fall.

"Yeah.. I'm all g-" I blackout before I had a chance to finish the sentence.


I walk into the hospital fear taking over me. The possibilities of what could've happened scared me. While Luke and Michael parked the car, I was going to find Calum; which was super easy since he was in the lobby.

"What happened?!" I panicked.

"I don't know. She wasn't looking her best then just fainted." Calum says with a shaky voice. "Here I'll go see if we are able to see her."

He walks up to the front desk and the lady asks a few questions. "Relation to Madelyn?"

"Uh, boyfriend." Calum states. "And right there is one of her best friends."

My heart dropped. The thought of liking Maddy was something I've been debating since I met her. And hearing him say that hurt, because that's when I realized I needed her. As I might lose her and as she is now with someone else. I was too late.

"You guys are clear to go back. Room 315, second level." The lady tells us and we quickly go to her room.

As we are heading up the stairs I begin a conversation.

"So you and Maddy? When did you guys become a thing?" I ask.

"Just a few hours ago." Calum shrugs.

"Really?" I look down to the grown, disappointed in myself.

"No, the lady probably wouldn't have let us through unless I said that." He laughs nudging me as my face lights up. "Trust me, we all know she's yours. Even though you have a girlfriend."

"Don't know what I'm going to do about that situation." I scratch the back of my neck.

I take a deep breath and walk in. There lays the beautiful girl with IVs and tubes going through her arms. She was able to breathe; but there was still a breathing mask helping her just in case.

"Holy shit." My jaw drops as I see this girl laying there. She didn't look like her, and it was almost frightening.

I lady in a nurses outfit bursts into the room. She looked panicked, so panicked that I wouldn't be surprised if she collapsed.

"My baby!" She cries running to Maddy's side. "I'm so sorry. This is my fault." She begins sobbing.

I walk over and place a hand on her shoulder and she looks up at me. She grabs my hand and smiles. "You must be Ashton." I nod before she stands up and hugs me. "Thank you for being so good to her. With her father and I's issues, I haven't been paying too much attention to her, so thank you."

"Anytime. Your daughter is an amazing person." I smile.

"She is." The lady smiles even more.

"D-Do you know what happened?"

"She's been suffering with anorexia."

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now