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My eyes flutter open revealing a sleeping Ashton. His curly hair tickled my neck as he shifted around. I play with one of his curls before checking the time.

2:30 pm, the clock read. "Holy shit." I mutter getting up out of bed.

Ashton slowly wakes up, giving me a weird look as I look for my clothes. "What's up?"

"I'm supposed to meet someone at three." I tell him as I scurry around. "I'll be right back."

I head over to my aunt's silent apartment and run to my room. I throw on some black shorts and a band shirt, then slip into some combat boots before hurrying back to Ashton's.

I peak my head into the apartment to see the curly haired boy in the kitchen. "You coming?"

He nods and joins me outside. We walk to the convenience store hand in hand. It was nice, really nice.

"So where are we going?" Ashton asks swinging our hands back and forth.

"To see someone." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"And where's that?"

"Right here actually." I cheer hurrying into the convenience store.

"Hey, it's Maddy!" Josh calls with a big smile.

I disconnect my hand from Ashton's as I hurry over to the counter, throwing my hands the air as I exclaim, "Josh!!"

"Who is the curly kid?" Josh questions, gesturing to Ashton.

"I'm Ashton." Ashton waves.

"Oh really?" Josh raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yes. He found me last night, taking in the beauty of life." I tell Josh and he smiles.

"Wait..." Ashton says walking closer. "Did you sell her that pack?"

"Sadly. I tried talking her out of it for like twenty minutes, but sadly it's my job." Josh sighs.

"Oh." Ashton sighs.

"Sorry. But watch her with those, make sure she doesn't abuse those." Josh tells Ashton.

"Trust me, I will." Ashton chuckles as I sit on the counter.

"So tell me about yourself, Ashton." Josh said coming around the counter, sitting next to me.

"Uh, well I'm in a band, I like bands, and I'm the same age as Maddy."

"In a band? That's cool. What bands are you into?"

"All Time Low, twenty øne piløts, Green Day, Nirvana and any band along those lines. Same for Ms. Maddy over here." Ashton informs Josh.

"Wow, nice! I love those bands." Josh exclaims. "I'm trying to get tickets to see tøp for my girlfriend and I, I could look for ticket for all of us."

"That be amazing." I say squeezing onto his arm.

"Yeah, that'd be incredible." Ashton smiles with pure joy.

"It your number in so we can keep in touch." I say as I hand him my phone.

He quickly types in his number before looking back over to Ashton. "Any special person in your life? I got to know Maddy last night, so what about you?"

"I guess I like this one girl. She goes to my school but she likes someone else so the odds of me getting her is low. But she's beautiful and has such an amazing personality." Ashton explained. It pissed me off, he said he didn't want a relationship yet here he is going on about a girl.

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah." He nods with a smile. "She's pretty amazing."

"Well I wish you luck with that. My shift is over and I have to meet my girlfriend, we'll keep in touch." Josh smiles and waves as he begins heading to the door.

"Bye!" Ashton and I call at the same time before Ashton begins heading out too.

"What's up?" I ask as I follow him for he was moving extremely fast.

He grabs my hand, speeding up even more. "We're going somewhere."

Within about 5 minutes we reached a cement wall with a hole. I give Ashton a weird look before he starts crawling in the hole.

"Follow me."

I trusted Ashton, I really did. So that's what I did, trusted him and followed him. We got out and I stood up in awe. It was a meadow that seemed to go on for miles. The yellow flowers everywhere along with a few daisies were what filled the fields.

"It's beautiful." I say in awe.

"It is." Ashton smiles before sitting down, me following his actions. He sat there for a few moments in silence, thinking. "Do you really like Calum?"

I quickly answer trying not to say how I really feel even though I wanted to shout it. "Yeah."

"Screw Calum." Ashton says.

"What?" I turn my head looking at Ashton.

"Screw Calum." He repeats.

"What do you mean?" 

He turns to face me, studying me for a few moments. "Forget him, okay? I really like you, and I thought you did too. I don't care if you still like him I'm going to try and get you to like me again."

"I don't like Calum like that, I'm completely into you. I lied. You said you weren't ready for a relationship so I don't know, I didn't want to sound needy." I ramble to him.

"I only said what I said cause I panicked. I really like you Mads, I hope you know that. Calum said he was your boyfriend so we could visit you sooner in the hospital. Hearing those words made me realize how much I want you, so I broke up with Rachel later that day." He explains it all to me and I couldn't help but smile the whole time.

"You want me?" I grin.

"I fucking need you, Madelyn." He giggles before cupping my cheeks and kisses me, full of complete passion.

"You have no idea what you've done for me. Thank you so much."

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now