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I've been avoiding Ashton all week. I've become better friends with Calum, though. Michael still hated me, all though he might be warming up on me. And Luke and I have become good friends.

Avoiding Ashton also meant staying at home, not my aunt's. There has been constant arguments till last night when my dad packed his bags and left. He still wasn't back and I don't think he ever will be.

Mum was at work so there was no one to talk to on this Saturday. I decided to finally face my fear and go to Aunt Lex's.

I walk up the stair trying to avoid anyone taking the elevator. I get up to her floor and head to her apartment.

"Maddy?" The last voice I wanted to hear calls.

"Go. Away." I try to hold back the tears that I've been crying all day.

"You alright?" He asks clearly noticing my appearance.

"Just fine." My voice cracks. "Now please leave me alone."

"I know somethings up." Ashton tells me as he scans my appearance again.

"Nothing is up! I-It's just-" Tears began rushing down my face. "Fucking hell." I sobbed and he quickly brought me into his arms.

"What happened, Mads?" He questions as he starts stroking my hair, attempting to calm me.

"Shit." Is all I say.

"Let's go back to my place? Okay?" He asks before carrying me bridal style.

I nod. "Why were you heading to my apartment- or my aunt's?"

"I've been checking if you have been there this past week." He explains making me feel guilty.


He brings me upstairs to his room where sat three other boys.

"Can we have a moment?" Ashton asks the boys I've grown fond of.

They nod and exit the room. Ashton places me on his bed and looks me in the eyes.

"What happened?"

"M-My dad last night. H-He packed his bags and left and he's not back and I'm really scared." I begin sobbing again.

"Maddy... I'm so sorry." His face drops and hugs me tighter than ever.

"He fucking cheated on my mum. They were yelling and things broke then my dad said he was done. He just left like that." I explain to him.

"That's terrible. Trust me you'll be alright." Ashton reassures me.

"And it wasn't just one girl. He's been cheating for months. That fucking bitch. Some fucking lawyer." I scoff. "I hate him so much. But it hurts so much to see him walk out and quit on his family. And he's still my dad. He taught me so much and he was such a great person. Now he's a cheating ass bitch. I just want my dad back. I want my normal family back where everybody was happy. My parents were in love, I got to see my brother, my parents cared about me. It's all shit, Ashton." I sob more and more as I speak each word.

"I get it. But later on, you'll be so grateful he's gone. One less bitch out of your life. It's hard now, and probably for awhile, I won't lie, but you'll be fine."

"How bad was your dad?" I ask.

He lifts his shirt up revealing a huge scar on his stomach. "Got that when I was ten. I remember it. I didn't get him something so he chucked a beer at me. That was two weeks before he walked out."

"I'm so sorry." I take a deep breath.

"But guess what? I'm a lot happier now because he's gone. You wanna know how happy I am?"

I nod and he smiles.

"I'm so happy!!" He shouts as loud as he could his arms flying up.

"I'm glad." I smile, happy for him.

"Remember I'm always here if you need help."

"Thank you so much." I tell him before hugging him. His arms quickly going around my waist.

"Have you lost weight? You were a bit lighter also you seem much smaller." He comments.

"Been working out and been eating healthier." I lie to him.

"Okay..." Ashton says a bit hesitant.

"Trying to stay healthier." I form a fake grin to reassure him.

"Okay." He smiles back. "You sure you're all good?"

"Better than I was before." I sniffle wiping under my eyes.

"That's good." He smiles standing up, he goes to get the guys. "We all good?"

I nod even though being friend zoned was the last thing I wanted. And it was going to be so hard trying to be friends when all I wanted were his lips on mine once more.

"Yeah. We're all good."

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now