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I down the hall to Maddy's apartment. I knock on the door and it opens moments later revealing her aunt.

"Hey, is Maddy home?" I ask her.

"She's actually on her way back now." Lex tells me.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit, then." I smile about to turn around.

"No, no, come in." She grabs my wrist pulling me inside. "I want to talk to you."

"Alright. Did I do something?" I begin to panic.

"Yeah, you did." Instead of a scolding, she had a smile. "And I'd like to thank you."

"Your welcome. But why are you thanking me?"

"You've changed Maddy. She's been acting like herself, more. She's not being this fake person. She's being kinder and is letting me call her by her full name instead of just Maddy. And that's thanks to you." She was close to tears before bringing me into a big hug.

"Ever since I met her, I knew there was a good person inside her." I tell her. "So your welcome."

The door opens revealing Maddy. "Well then." She laughs.

I clear my throat and break from the hug to walk over to Maddy. "I believe we have some tutoring."

She nods as we head to her room.

"So what's your full name?" I ask almost immediately.

"Maddy Faith." She states.

"No. Your aunt said she's able to call you your actual name."

"Oh. Well since you know that, it's Madelyn. I don't like it though."

"I like it. It's really pretty." I reassure her.

"Oh, thanks." She looks down her face becoming red.

"You alright?" I ask since she's been seeking a little off today.

"I have a question. Well more of a statement." She tells me.

"Okay, go on."

"I-I might kind of.." She gets cut off by my phone which begins to ring.

"Hey, Rachel." I greet the girl I'm meeting later, over the phone.

"We still up for tonight?" She asks.

"Yep. I'll pick you up around seven. See you then." I smile at the sound of her voice.

"Sounds good. Bye!" She cheers before hanging up.

Maddy watched me intently.

"Who was that?" She questions.

"Why would you care?" I raise an eyebrow as I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I-I don't know, I was just wondering." She shrugs her eyes flickering to my lips then back up to my eyes.

"Well that was Rachel Wellington. I'm going on a date with her tonight." I tell her.

You can see her face break as I say the words. Why would she react like this? I shook the possibilities out of my head.

"O-Oh that's cool. You should probably get ready. I understand the math anyways." She urges me, trying to get me up.

"C'mon!" I sigh.

"I'm tired anyway." Maddy says.

"Fine." I get up and she lays down. I tuck her in and leave a small kiss on her forehead. "Night Madelyn."

"Night." Maddy sighs as she buries herself in her covers,

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now