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I arrive at Ashton's where everyone was meeting at. I walk in to see Calum talking to a girl that had straight black hair just below her shoulders.

"Hey Maddy." Calum greets walking over to me. Ashton then comes over placing an arm around the girl who I then realized was Rachel.

"Oh, so this is Rachel?" I raise an eyebrow. "Didn't know she was coming."

"Yep!" Ashton smiles.

"He thought it be nice to get to know you all." Rachel comments.

"It is a great idea." I fake smile.

Luke walks in with his phone to his ear. "Gonna order pizza, what do you all want?"

"I'm all good. Just ate." I lie to him.

The others say what they want and Ashton continues to stare at me.

"You sure you don't want any?" He asks with a confused look on his face.

"Positive." I smile as I meet Michael at the couch. "Hey."

"Oh hi." He mumbles.

"Why do you hate me?" I ask him.

"I don't hate you, I dislike you. I hate your ex." Michael tells me.


"Your ex is the biggest douche. He has always picked on me. Whether physical or verbal. He is the biggest piece of shit I've ever met, he only cares about himself. And you, you are a spoiled brat who did nothing but laugh when he picked on me. Plus why should I be your friend when daddy can buy you all the friends you want." Michael explains before snapping at me.

"Don't talk about my dad." I say softly.

"Why, because he can buy you whatever?"

"No!" I raise my voice.

"Oh really? Because those earrings look nice, how much were they? What about the shirt, that simple shirt you probably got for fifty dollars, why? Because daddy has money and your his little precious princess?" He taunts.

"No! Just stop!" I tears begin to leave my eyes.

"What's wrong has daddy not bought you the latest handbag?"

"I'm sorry if my dad walked out on me! And I'm sorry if I might not see him again! I'm sorry if he hates me and I hate him!" I yell tears streaming down my face.

"Ma-" Michael starts his fave dropping.

"Save it okay?" I get up heading towards the door.

"Mads, what's going on?" Ashton stops me.

"I don't know, ask your best friend." I sniffle.

"Excuse me. I'm going to go talk to Maddy." He tells Rachel before taking me up to his room. "What happened?"

"A lot, just all these days wrapped into one. My dad, Michael fucking making jokes about me and my dad. Then you." I rant my hands flying everywhere.

"What about me?"

"You know how hard it is to see you with her? Being all cuddly and cute when all I wanna do is kiss you and tell you how much you mean to me. Because you mean a lot to me. You've helped me through so much, you've made me, me. And I never thought anyone actually cared about me till you." I rant to him. "You really mean a lot to me."

"Maddy, I-" He starts before staring at me. "You know it's not right. I like Maddy. Plus for you, I'm probably just a rebound." He tells me his eyes saddening.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't like me." I demand.

"I'm not sure if my feelings, Mads. I might like you but I like Rachel too and I'm with her. Fuck it." He leans in, placing his lips on mine, cupping my cheeks. He then pulls away his forehead leaning on mine. "But I can't be with you right now." He sighs before getting up and beginning to leave.

"Why can't you just end things with her." I exclaim before he could exit the room.

"Because, I like her. I really do. And if you like me then you would want me to be happy, right?" I nod, my eyes glued to the ground. He walks over to me and brings me into his arms. "Trust me there is someone out there for you, who can treat you better than I ever could."

"I guess." I sigh my head leaning on his chest as his arms hold me.

"One other question." He states.


"When's the last time you ate?" He asks and I froze.

"I told you. I already ate before I came here."

"You've been losing a lot of weight and I haven't seen you eat for weeks. You're so thin, Mads." He looks at me with a very worried look. I felt bad for lying. But I needed to.

"Trust me. I eat. I fucking love food. I've just been healthier, I can make healthy meals at my place. Also I've been working out. If I had I problem, I would tell you." I reassure him.

"Promise?" He places his pinky out.

"I promise." I connect my finger to his knowing it was a big lie.

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now