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The words Maddy's mum spoke repeated in my mind as I sit in the room with the unconscious girl. It was all my fault.

Mrs. Edwards said it was all her fault since she never paid attention to her daughter, while I did. I noticed that she losing weight, a lot in a short time. I had a thought of this being the case, but never did anything about it. I never made her eat, I never questioned her more than a few questions. It was my fault.

My phone began to ring and I sigh at the caller.

"Hey!" I say in my most cheery voice.

"Hi, are we still on for tonight? I know something came up earlier." Rachel asks.

"So I really like you. A lot. You're a great person, but so is someone else. I'm sorry, really, but honestly I think it's best for everybody if I broke up with you." I tell her, trying to be as nice as I can.

"Okay..." I hear her sigh as she thinks of what to say. "As long as you're happy."

"I will be." I smile through the phone looking down at the sleeping girl.

"Good. Still keep in touch?"

"Definitely. Bye Rachel."


I hang up and smile glad that it was over with. There was stirring from Maddy's bed. After a few minutes of this, she woke up.

"Hey." I smile.

She sighs before taking off the breathing mask. "I'm sorry." Her voice a little rough.

"Why?" I question as I grabbing her hand.

"Because I lied to you and because of that, here I am." She sighs.

"I mean, I really wish you would've got help." I flip her wrist revealing a few scars I noticed earlier. "But I'm just really glad you're alright."

She pulls her arm away and smiles. "Thanks."

A doctor walks in. "Glad your up. We are going to run some tests to make sure you are all good to go home."

She nods and I leave the room.


"I got some good and bad news." The doctor tells me after a few tests. "Which one first?"

"Good news."

"You are good to go home."

"Nice."'I smile.

"Now the bad news. When we were doing some scans we noticed something. And that thing affects your ability to reproduce. This may not affect you now, but there is a slim chance you'll ever become pregnant." The doctor explains.

"Oh. Alright." I sigh in complete shock. "You sure?"

"Yes, I'm really sorry." She gives me a saddened look before she left and three guys entered.

I sat up and my eyes widened. "Devin!" I shout, I try to get up but he stops me as he sits next to me.

"I've missed you, Mads." He grabs my hand before being me into a big hug.

"Missed you too." I smile snuggling my head into his chest.

"What that mean doctor tell you?" He says in a voice like he was talking to a little kid.

I let out a small laugh before sighing, missing the presence of my older brother. "I have a very slim chance of having kids."

Ashton and Calum were now on the other side of the bed. "Awe Mads I'm so so sorry." Devin pulls me into his lap.

"I really didn't think it'd bother me, but it really does." I cry into his chest. "And you know that I've always wanted a family. Now it's not gonna happen."

"Hey, hey." He tries to calm me. "There's still a slim chance so don't give up hope."

"I guess you're right." I sigh before Ashton grabs my hand and Calum places a hand on my shoulder.

"We'll be with you every step of the way." Ashton reassures me and Calum nods.

"We got you, bud." Calum smiles.

I squeeze Ashton's hand and smile up at them. "Thanks."

"You know, I was talking to them, they seem like great guys." Devin tells me and looks up at Ashton. "I approve."

Ashton's face lights up before he quickly calms down.

"Thank you." Calum smiles at Devin.

"Yeah thank you." Ashton nods.

"You better treat her right." Devin says the cliche line but looking very ser

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now