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I walk in the hall with Rachel by my side.

"We should go out again sometime soon." She suggests leaning her head on my shoulder as we enter the cafeteria.

"Sounds like a plan. Tomorrow night?"

"Can't wait." She smiles.

I quickly peck her lips before we go to our separate lunch tables. I sit down to only see the guys, no Maddy.

"Have you guys seen Maddy?" I ask.

"No, she wasn't in biology." Calum informs me.

"She has just been off these past few days. I'm going to go check on her." I tell them getting up and heading to her house. Knowing when she misses school she's at her actual house.

I grab the key that they hide under the welcome mat and walk in. I go upstairs to her room to see her under the covers.

"Whose there?" She says in a muffled voice.

"Ashton." I tell her walking closer.

"Go away."

"Why?" I question sitting on the edge of her bed.

"I'm sick. I need rest and I don't want to get you sick." She explains her voice a little under the weather.

"Still not going anywhere. I'm going to keep you company." I tell her. "What do you need? Soup? Tea?"

"No thanks." She tells me.

She then sits up staring at me.

"How was your date? I never asked about it." She quickly changes topics.

"Pretty successful. Rachel is my girlfriend and we have another date tomorrow." I tell her with a huge smile on my face.

"You really like her, don't you?" Her face showed disappointment.

"Yeah, I really do." I nod my smile not fading.

"I'm really happy for you." She tells me with a small smile forming.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I then ask and she nods in response. I pick Ferris Beuller's Day Off to lighten the mood.

I put it in then sit down putting my arm around her. She cuddles next to me as the movie starts.  I play with her hair and she messes with the blanket.

It's about fifteen minutes in and she breaks out of my grasp.

"I can't do this." She states getting up and out of her bed. "You should probably go."

"What's wrong?" I ask getting up too.

"You. I can't keep acting like there's nothing going on in my head." Maddy begins to shout.

"What do you mean? What did I do?" I begin getting confused.

There was now only a small space between us.

"You've done a lot. But in a good way, don't worry." She smiles. "But you've been messing with my head."

I just stare at her as she figures out what to say.

"I was gonna tell you this a few days ago, then your date called. And if Rachel makes you happy, stay with her, I just need to tell you this."

She stares at me then wraps her arms around my neck and gets on her toes before connecting our lips. I was taken aback for a second before kissing back. I then realized what I was doing. I separate our lips and begin to leave.

"I'm sorry. This isn't right, I-I should probably go." I stutter as I grab onto the door handle.

"Yeah. Alright. Just leave." She raises her voice as tears begin to form. "I fucking like you. And I've been trying to ignore that because I knew you didn't like me and it was just stupid. I finally say how I feel and it just all goes to shit!" She shouts her voice becoming worse than before.

I knew there was something about Maddy but I never knew what. Maybe I liked her, but I like Rachel. Maddy is just someone I still haven't figured out.

"See you later, Madelyn." I sigh heading out of her room.

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now