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After that text, I left Ashton's. Ashton asked multiple questions but I told him that my aunt wanted me home. He didn't question me anymore for I had left right after that. But I didn't go home, I went somewhere. Somewhere that I had not decided yet.

I walked around the dark city, illuminated by the buildings and their lights. I walked into a convenience store hoping they'd have the thing I was craving. I picked up a lighter and walked to the counter.

"I'll take one pack." I stated before grabbing my money.

"You positive?" The boy, maybe a year older than me, questioned. I nod and he sighs. "I know I just work here and I'm supposed to just hand you these in exchange for money but you look about my age and you shouldn't be smoking."

"Well.." I look at his name tag. "Josh, I'm sorry but life is shit so I see no point in not buying these."

He rolls his eyes. "You haven't seen shit then. Life is beautiful."

"Okay." I chuckle.

"So how old are you?" He inquires.

"Eighteen. I'm in year twelve." I tell him.

"Hey, I'm a year older! But, give me a good reason to give you these."

"I told my friend Ashton, the guy I really like, I wasn't into him but into his best friend instead cause he said he wasn't ready for a relationship." I explain to the new boy I've encountered.

"That's rough." He sighs. "I still don't want to give you these. I don't even know your name."

"It's Maddy." I state.

He examined me as I looked over him. He was extremely attractive, I'll admit. He had chocolate brown hair and sun kissed skin. He wasn't too muscly but not too lanky either. His eyes were a deep green and may I mention he has a great jawline. But he wasn't Ashton.

"Maddy, I really don't want you to buy these." He frowns.

"Well life is beautiful, right?" I ask him and he nods. "Then let me go explore it."

"You are definitely something." He laughs shaking his head. "I'll give you them but on one condition."

"Okay, bring it."

"I have another shift tomorrow at three and the shifts are boring as hell."

"Yeah sure, I'll be there." I smile.

He huffs before handing me the pack and I give him my money.

"Bye Maddy!" He calls as I begin heading out.

"Bye Josh." I wave before heading out in the chilly weather.

I begin walking around taking in every bit of the scenery thanks to Josh. I sit on a bench in front of a pond pulling out the pack I had gotten minutes before. I place it in my mouth and light it the smoke filling my lungs. I take a drag before puffing out the smoke and doing it again.

A shadowy figure approaches me. My heart skipped a few beats not knowing what to expect.

"Madelyn, what are you doing here? It's freezing." Ashton states shrugging off his jacket and placing it on my shoulders. I was no longer wearing his clothes since I stopped at Aunt Lex's and got my own clothing on.

"Taking in life." I smile as I look up at the few stars I could see from the clouds moving.

"Are you serious?" He gestures to the cigarette between my fingers.

"Yes. Took me like twenty minutes to get cause the boy there was being stubborn as hell." I rolled my eyes recalling Josh.

"Why'd you rush out?" He questions.

I sigh. "My dad came back. I kinda just wanted to be alone."

"I'm sorry Mads." He says holding my hand as I stomp on the cigarette, putting it out. "C'mon let's go back to my place." He suggests standing up and pulling me up with him.

"Ashton..." I huff.

"I don't want you sitting out here, by yourself, smoking your life away." He tells me as we begin walking back.

We get to his room and I instantly fall onto his extremely comfy bed.

"I'm going down to the couch, you need anything?" Ashton questions.

"No, why don't you just sleep here? We've slept in the same bed before." I remind him.

He was acting weird and it was bugging me knowing that he was probably hiding something.

"Uh, yeah, I forgot." He chuckled taking off his shirt and joining me in his bed.

I cuddle up next to him, his arm instantly finding my waist.

"Night." I mumbled.

"Night." I saw him smile before I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off. "Screw Calum." I heard him mutter before placing a small kiss on my forehead. "Night beautiful."

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now