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I sit at a small restaurant with my mum. She had work off today and decided we should catch up.

"So how's school?" My mum asks.

"After getting to know Ashton and his friends, it's been pretty great." I tell her.

"That's good. Now tell me about the Ashton kid. What's going on between you two?"

"You're just like Aunt Lex." I roll my eyes.

"I mean, she is my sister. Now enlighten me." She claps her hands together getting to the edge of her seat.

"There's nothing going on!" I tell her.

"I've been on this earth longer than you, I can tell there is something." My mum scoffs.

"Fine!! I may have an itsy-bitsy crush on him. We may have kissed- twice-"

"Really?!" She says raising an eyebrow. "But you aren't together?"

"He has a girlfriend now." I sigh tapping my fingers on the table.

"So that was the girl he was talking to on the phone?" She questions.

"Probably." I shrug.

"Well it sounded like they broke up." She smiles widely.

"Really?!" My entire face lit up.

My mum nods.

"Can I go? I need to do something." I smile standing up.

"You are more than welcome." My mum stands up as well. "Good luck." She brings me into a hug before shooing me off. "Go get him."

I nod and smile before heading to the door. "Hey mum?"


"I love you!"

There was a smile on her face, a smile that I haven't see in ages, one of pure happiness. "I love you too, my dear."

With that I was out the door rushing to the apartment building. I text Ashton letting him know I was on my way.

I need to talk to you

About what?

I'm on my way to your place, tell you then.

It began to drizzle. I was about five minutes from his place. The rain came down harder and harder as I become closer to the apartment building.

I see Ashton standing under the awning, waiting for me. I begin to walk faster so I wouldn't get more soaked than I already am.

I get to him a few feet from him, his arms were wide open, a jacket in one hand. As cliché as it sounds, I ran into his arms. He held me tight before mumbling something.

"You're soaking wet." He laughs breaking from the hug.

"Oh really?!" I joke as he puts the sweatshirt in his hands, on me.

"Now let's get you some hot chocolate and dry clothes, then we can talk." He suggests with a smile.

I nod as we step into the building and head up to his apartment.

"You know my apartment is over there." I state pointing to the other side of the hall.

"Yeah, I know." He shrugs unlocking the place.

"I thought I was getting dry clothes?"

"You are. Just thought if you borrow some of my clothes, we could talk sooner." He tells me as we enter the apartment. He heads to the kitchen and hands me shorts and a sweatshirt. "Now get changed and I'll make us hot chocolate."

I head to the bathroom and take off the wet clothes that clung to my skin. I threw on Ashton's clothes and smiled. They smelled just like him. He is such a caring and great person, you can't blame me for falling for him. But what if I was telling him all this just to find out he's still with Rachel.

I sigh and grab my wet clothes, meeting him in the living room. He takes my clothes and hands me a warm mug. He throws the clothes in the dryer before heading over to me on the couch.

"Now what did you want to talk about?"

"I heard you and Rachel broke up." I tell him.

"We did." He nods trying to read me. "And I l-" He stops himself before changing his sentence. "And I'm not really ready for a relationship."

"Oh." I sigh. "Don't worry. I've moved on anyways."

"Really?" He raises an eyebrow, looking a bit disappointed. "Do you have feelings for someone else now?"

I had to make it believable. "Yes, I do. Why?"

"Just so I can tease you about it. Who is it?"

"You suck." I laugh, I thought of someone. The first name to pop into my head is the name of his best friend. "I like Calum."

"Calum, huh?" He questions. "Two little idiots together. I wanna see that."

"Jerk." I nudge.

My phone goes off and I see my mum's contact pop up.

How'd it go?

Eh. Let's just say I'm "dating Calum"

Awe sorry babe

Don't come home tonight. Dad's back. Acting fine, just to be safe stay with Ash or Lex.

Temporary Fix // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now