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Love is when you will do or say anything to be with that one person. When that one person makes you smile so hard that your cheeks hurt and laugh so hurt that your stomach starts to hurt. When you look into his/her eyes and you can't focus any more. When you can only thing about them 24/7. When you see them for the first time in my a few hours or a few days you feel like your falling in love all over again. When you see him/her smile you just want to gaze in their eyes. When you touch them every problem in your life goes away with just a small touch. And when y'all kiss it feels like the whole world stops and y'all two are the only ones on the full face of this earth. And when someone or people tell you can't be with that person it just makes you want to be with them every second of the day. And that one person makes you feel like your the only person in the world you feel loved when your with them. Sleep with them feels like your asleep in heaven and all the lovely doves with the whitest feathers fly over you. And the prettiest angels pass you with their lovely long hair. And you don't see what everyone else sees people might see him as a low life or a fuck up but you don't see that you see the beauty in the person you never see the bad you block it out because you love that person. Having your head on his chest and listening to his heart beat faster and faster because he is nervous to be around you even though y'all been together for so long. And when he does that deep breath and your head goes all the way up and comes back down and he breathes heavily that's when you know I wanna wake up like this every morning. And all relationships have that fight were y'all fight and you just feel so bad and you just wanna kiss them and make their hurt go away. Or y'all get in that fight and you don't know if y'all can recover from that fight it just makes you want to fight for them 10 times harder to make sure you don't have to recover and she/he's gonna stay yours. And when you think about y'all wonderful memories y'all spent together makes you smile that big and beautiful smile of yours and it makes you wanna cry and hold that special person. And when she/he looks into your eyes you get butterflies in your stomach and you get nervous all in one. And you will know when you're in love cause you will become breathless and speechless all in one second. Love is which makes your heart weak for that person and makes your soul ache for that one person. And when your with that person all you see is joy. The best love is the kind that weakens the soul and just makes you want to reach for more. It makes a fire in your heart and peacefulness to your mind. Love is invincible, and if you love that person you will know for sure.

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